Through hell with Hiprah Hunt; a series of pictures and notes of travel illustrating the adventures of a modern Dante in the infernal regions; also other pictures of the same subterranean world (1901) (14774251465)
Identifier: throughhellwithh00youn (find matches)
Title: Through hell with Hiprah Hunt; a series of pictures and notes of travel illustrating the adventures of a modern Dante in the infernal regions; also other pictures of the same subterranean world
Year: 1901 (1900s)
Authors: Young, Art, 1866-1943
Subjects: American wit and humor, Pictorial
Publisher: New York, Zimmerman's
Contributing Library: Getty Research Institute
Digitizing Sponsor: Getty Research Institute
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COMPELLED TO REGISTER. CANTO VI. Coming out of the cavern, spoken of in the preceding Canto, theexplorer crosses the distant bridge and enters another denselywooded region. Here he finds the souls of those who are notquite bad enough to be punished severely, but are allowed to ex-ist desiring without hope. He is approached by shrouded spiritswho describe themselves as a school of poets, and instantly re-calling how Dante in his peregrinations ran across Homer, he en-quires for that worthy. He learns that this is quite another group to that in which theancient bard moves. These are the unworthies who spent theirtime on earth writing bad poetry when they would have been bet-ter engaged sawing wood or washing dishes.