Theodor Rehbenitz - Marchesa Marianna Florenzi - 13237 - Bavarian State Painting Collections
Public domain image of a renaissance painting, masterpiece, 16th-17th century artwork, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description.
Many artists considered her to be the ideal female figure. She was usually depicted in local costume or allegorical garb, often with attributes that referred to representations of the Madonna. The exact number of paintings she sat for is unknown and many were destroyed, especially during the Second World War. There are also a few portrait busts. To make matters worse, many images of her were not painted from life. A portrait of her by Pablo Picasso is an obvious example of this. Among the artists known to have used her services as a model are Ernst von Bandel, Carl Joseph Begas, Carl Blechen, Franz Ludwig Catel, Peter von Cornelius, Marie Ellenrieder, Joseph von Führich, August Grahl, Wilhelm Hensel, Heinrich Maria von Hess, Peter von Hess, Franz Horny, Woldemar Hottenroth, Auguste Hüssener, Alexander Andreyevich Ivanov, Paul Emil Jacobs, Wilhelm von Kaulbach, August Kestner, Eduard Magnus, Friedrich Mosbrugger, Michael Neher, Theobald von Oer, Carl Oesterley, Moritz Oppenheim, Friedrich Overbeck, Friedrich Preller the Elder, Johann Anton Ramboux, Theodor Rehbenitz, August Riedel, Johann Scheffer von Leonhardshoff, Julius Schnorr von Carolsfeld, Julius Schoppe, Joseph Anton Settegast, Erwin Speckter, Franz Seraph Stirnbrand, Franz Xaver Stöber, Pietro Tenerani, Bertel Thorvaldsen, Horace Vernet, Carl Christian Vogel von Vogelstein, Karl Wilhelm Wach, Friedrich Wasmann Theodor Leopold Weller, Franz Xaver Winterhalter