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The voyage of the Vega round Asia and Europe; with a historical review of previous journeys along the north coast of the Old World (1882) (14779798331)


The voyage of the Vega round Asia and Europe; with a historical review of previous journeys along the north coast of the Old World (1882) (14779798331)



Identifier: voyageofvegaroun00nord (find matches)
Title: The voyage of the Vega round Asia and Europe; with a historical review of previous journeys along the north coast of the Old World
Year: 1882 (1880s)
Authors: Nordenskiöld, A. E. (Adolf Erik), 1832-1901 Leslie, Alexander
Subjects: Vega (Ship)
Publisher: New York, Macmillan and Co.
Contributing Library: MBLWHOI Library
Digitizing Sponsor: MBLWHOI Library

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MAP OF North Europe OLAI MAGNI HlSTORlA DE GENTIUM SEPTEN BRI ON ALiU Nl VARUS CONDITION I BUS, BASEL,1567. 1.) GREGORY ISTOMAS VOYAGE. 45 before Othere found a successor h\ Sir Hugh Willoughby ; and itis usual to pass by the former, -Jt^id to ascribe to the latter thehonour of being the first in that*long succession of men whoendeavoured to force a passage by the north-east from theAtlantic Ocean to China. Here however it ought to be remarked that while such mapsas those of Ziegler were published in western Europe, other andbetter knowledge of the regions in question prevailed in the north.For it may be considered certain that JSIorwegians, Russiansand Karelians often travelled in boats on peaceful or warlikeerrands, during the fifteenth and beginning of the sixteenthcentury, from the west coast of Norway to the White Sea, andin the opposite direction, although we find nothing on recordregarding such journeys except the account that SiGlSMUND VONHerberstein 1 gives, in his famous boo

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