Die weltweit größte gemeinfreie Mediensuchmaschine
The story of the greatest nations; a comprehensive history, extending from the earliest times to the present, founded on the most modern authorities, and including chronological summaries and (14780920611)


The story of the greatest nations; a comprehensive history, extending from the earliest times to the present, founded on the most modern authorities, and including chronological summaries and (14780920611)



Identifier: storyofgreatestn06elli (find matches)
Title: The story of the greatest nations; a comprehensive history, extending from the earliest times to the present, founded on the most modern authorities, and including chronological summaries and pronouncing vocabularies for each nation; and the world's famous events, told in a series of brief sketches forming a single continuous story of history and illumined by a complete series of notable illustrations from the great historic paintings of all lands
Year: 1913 (1910s)
Authors: Ellis, Edward Sylvester, 1840-1916 Horne, Charles F. (Charles Francis), 1870-1942
Subjects: World history
Publisher: New York : Niglutsch
Contributing Library: University of California Libraries
Digitizing Sponsor: MSN

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inking-horn found on the Danish-German fr6ntier is cut the following,which scholars agree is fully 1,500 years old: Ek Hlewagastir. Holtitiger. horna. tawido This reproduction in English characters means: I, Hlewgastir, son of Holta, made the horn. Christianity brought the Latin alphabet, and the runic characters disap-peared. Ranking with the first of the English books was the Anglo-SaxonChronicle, which is a history beginning with the Roman invasion under Caesar,and closing in the year 1154. Among other early books were Caedmons poemof the Creation, and Bedes history of Britain. Bede, or Beda, as he is some-times called, was born at Durham, in 673, and thirty years later was ordainedto the priesthood, having already obtained a wide reputation for learning andpiety. He spent his life in the quiet retirement of the monastery at Yarrow,and devoted his time to studying and writing. His Ecclesiastical History ofEngland was written in Latin and translated into English by Alfred the Great.
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VI-13 England—Saxon Life 985 The earliest printed edition appeared in 1474. Another work of Bede was aSaxon translation of the Gospel of St. John. The English displayed great skill as workers in metal, and in the illumina-tion of manuscripts. Some of the latter that have come down to us are exquis-ite specimens of the perfection attained by the monks in the use of the pen,and the artistic arrangement of the gold, silver, and brilliant colors used in orna.menting books. A monk would spend months and years in patient work onone of these volumes, which were the pride and delight of those who ownedthem. The women were wonderfully expert in weaving fine linen and embroideringtapestry, but the scarcity of volumes limited book education to the few. Hun-dreds of the foremost men and women in the kingdom were unable to writetheir names, and they knew literally nothing of the great world which extendedbeyond the narrow confines of their own land. You will bear in mind that notone of the thous





University of California


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the story of the greatest nations a comprehensive history extending from the earliest times to the present 1913
die Geschichte der größten Nationen eine umfassende Geschichte von den frühesten Zeiten bis in die Gegenwart 1913
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Die weltweit größte gemeinfreie Mediensuchmaschine

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