Die weltweit größte gemeinfreie Mediensuchmaschine
The ice age in North America and its bearing upon the antiquity of man. 5th ed. with many new maps and illus., enl. and rewritten to incorporate the facts that bring it up to date, with chapters on (14595762488)


The ice age in North America and its bearing upon the antiquity of man. 5th ed. with many new maps and illus., enl. and rewritten to incorporate the facts that bring it up to date, with chapters on (14595762488)



Identifier: iceageinnorthame00wriguoft (find matches)
Title: The ice age in North America and its bearing upon the antiquity of man. 5th ed. with many new maps and illus., enl. and rewritten to incorporate the facts that bring it up to date, with chapters on Lake Agassiz and the Probable cause of glaciation
Year: 1911 (1910s)
Authors: Wright, G. Frederick (George Frederick), 1838-1921 Upham, Warren, 1850-1934
Subjects: Glacial epoch Glaciers
Publisher: Oberlin, Ohio Bibliotheca Sacra Co
Contributing Library: Gerstein - University of Toronto
Digitizing Sponsor: MSN

Text Appearing Before Image:
F., 692. Wisconsin, 525; driftless area of, 134, 413,414, 5271 depth of ice In, 201; kettle-rangein, 134, 144, 210 el seq., 221, 361; drift hillsin, 286; lakes in, 361; loess in, 413, 414;post-glacial erosion in, 568. Wisconsin episode, 222 el seq. Woeikoff, on CroUs theory of the cause ofthe Glacial period, 474; on glaciers of thesouthern hemisphere, 475, 476; on dis-tribution of heat over the earth, 478, 479et seq. Wood Glacier, 74. Woods Holl, 137, 139, 204, 205. Woodward, Mr. R. S., 295, 503; on rate ofrecession of Niagara Falls, 540. Wright, C. W., 72. Wright, F. E., 72. Wright, Professor G. F., 508, 517, 665. Wright, Professor W. E. C, 349. Wyman, Dr., 693. / I f.... K QE Wright, George Fredeick^97 The ice age in No thW96 America 1911 PLEASE DO NOT REMOVECARDS OR SLIPS FROM THIS POCKET UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO LIBRARY \ m^msmmmm^mm
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5 o o 3 3-3 THE ICE AGE IN NORTH AMERICA AND ITS BEARINGS UPON THEANTIQUITY OF MAN BY G. FREDERICK WRIGHT, D.D., LL.D., f.g.s.a. Late assistant on the PenJisylvania and United States Geological SurveysAuthor of Logic of Christian Evidences, Greenland Ice Fields, Asiatic Russia, etc. Fifth edition with manj- new maps and illustrations, enlargedand rewritten to incorporate the facts that bring it up to date,with chapters on Lake Agassiz and the Probable Cause ofGlaciation, by Warren Upham, Sc.D., F.G.S.A., late Assistanton the Geological Surveys of New Hampshire, Minnesota, theUnited States, and Canada. OBERLIN, OHIOBIBLIOTHECA SACRA COMPANY 1011iceageinnorthame00wriguoft





University of Toronto


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the ice age in north america and its bearing upon the antiquity of man 1911
Die Eiszeit in Nordamerika und ihr Einfluss auf das Altertum des Menschen 1911
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Die weltweit größte gemeinfreie Mediensuchmaschine

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