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The critic in the Occident (1913) (14769295354)


The critic in the Occident (1913) (14769295354)



Identifier: criticinoccident01fitc (find matches)
Title: The critic in the Occident
Year: 1913 (1910s)
Authors: Fitch, George Hamlin, 1852- (from old catalog)
Publisher: San Francisco, P. Elder and company
Contributing Library: The Library of Congress
Digitizing Sponsor: Sloan Foundation

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, while the other depicted thetriumph of Athena over Poseidon, the god of ocean,in their battle for possession of Attica. The finest sculptures of the Parthenon were themetopes or life-sized figures, most of which werebought in 1802 by Lord Elgin, then Minister atAthens, and transported to the British Museum inLondon, where they now form its most valued pos-session. The frieze of the Parthenon contained thefinest Greek work in bas-relief. In the AcropolisMuseum are twenty-two slabs from the frieze whichdepict the festal procession in honor of Athena,which was held every four years in Athens. Below the Parthenon, to the left, are the ruinsof the Erechtheum, a smaller temple of the goddessAthena Pallas and other deities, more beautiful butless impressive than the great temple. The featuresof this temple are the graceful Ionic columns, thesuperb northern doorway, and the colonnade of theCaryatides. In the latter, instead of columns, sixstatues of maidens support the roof. These fig- (26)
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The Portico of the Erechtheum or Temple of Pallas Athena at Athens, Showing the Portico Upheld by Caryatides. These Figures of Women are Among the Best Remains of Greek Art of the Age of Phidias. The Dark One is of Plaster, as the Original is in the Elgin Collection in the British Museum The Acropolis and the Parthenon ures have all the easy grace of an Oriental womancarrying a water jar on her head, while at the sametime they seem to be instinct with the dignity andforce of Greek goddesses. If ever triumphant woman-hood was wrought in marble, here it is. One feelsthat these are women, divinely planned, with al-most the strength of men, yet with that mysteriousappeal of sex which removes them from the austereheights of Pallas Athena. These are women whohave no ailments, no nerves; ideal companions formen who love the strenuous life. The north door is approached through six col-umns that are beautifully decorated. This littletemple gives an extraordinary impression of graceand lightnes







Library of Congress


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