The breeds of live stock, and the principles of heredity (1887) (14781418245)
Jersey cow Princess the 2nd
Identifier: breedsoflivestoc00sand (find matches)
Title: The breeds of live stock, and the principles of heredity ..
Year: 1887 (1880s)
Authors: Sanders, James Harvey, 1832-1899. (from old catalog)
Subjects: Livestock
Publisher: Chicago, J. H. Sanders publishing company
Contributing Library: The Library of Congress
Digitizing Sponsor: Sloan Foundation
Text Appearing Before Image:
Henry Gest, of Cincinnati, O., wasappointed by the Jersey Cattle Club to supervise the test in all itsdetails, and his official report was published in the Breeders Gazetteof March 19, 1885, page 428, giving the exact weight of milk andof butter produced for each day of the test, together with a detailedstatement of the food consumed. The total yield of milk during thisperiod of seven days was 299^ lbs., the highest yield per day being443/2 lbs. and the lowest 40 lbs., the average during the test being1 lb. of butter to 6.4 lbs. of milk. This wonderful cow was calvedFeb. 22, 1877; bred by A. Le Gallais on the Island of Jersey, andimported in 1879; owned at the time of test by Mrs. S. M. Shoe-maker, Baltimore, Md. She was got by Khedive (P. S. 103), outof Princess (F. S. 1294), making her what is known in Jerseybreeding circles as a Coomassie-Welcome cow. Color, light fawnwith some white on the belly; weight in very moderate flesh, 1,125lbs. Engraved from a photograph from life. (390)
Text Appearing After Image:
JERSEY COW OXFORDS KATE 13646. Next in rank to Princess 2d (illustrated on the preceding page),by virtue of the seven days butter record, is Oxfords Kate, shownon the page facing herewith. Her great test, conducted with thestrictest care and accuracy by Mr. Andrew Banks, acting underofficial orders from the Jersey Cattle Club, commencing April 1 andending April 8, 1885, showed a total yield of 248^ lbs. of milk,which produced 38 lbs. 2 oz. of unsalted butter. The official reportof this test, showing the exact amount and kinds of food consumed,with the weights of milk and butter for each day, and the methodsemployed to insure accuracy and prevent fraud, will be found onpage 589 of the Breeders Gazette for April 16, 1885. This cowwas bred on the Island of Jersey; calved Feb. 20, 1879; got byPilot (P. S. 183) out of Verclut (F. S. 1846); color, light brown,with white markings. Owned at time of test by Mrs. S. M. Shoe-maker, Baltimore, Md. Engraved from a photograph from life. (39-^) KALE