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The breeds of live stock, and the principles of heredity (1887) (14779029634)


The breeds of live stock, and the principles of heredity (1887) (14779029634)



Holstein-Friesian cattle
Identifier: breedsoflivestoc00sand (find matches)
Title: The breeds of live stock, and the principles of heredity ..
Year: 1887 (1880s)
Authors: Sanders, James Harvey, 1832-1899. (from old catalog)
Subjects: Livestock
Publisher: Chicago, J. H. Sanders publishing company
Contributing Library: The Library of Congress
Digitizing Sponsor: Sloan Foundation

Text Appearing Before Image:
own in the group appearing upon the oppositepage represent a quartette of cows, a young bull, and two calves,descending from the famous deep-milking Netherland tribe, and be-longing to the Reliance Stock Farm Herd, property of Jere Allis,of Isinours, Minn. The young bull in the right foreground is thechoice butter-bred animal Netherland Carl 3279, bred by Messrs.Smiths, Powell & Lamb, got by Netherland Prince (716), out ofCarlotta (1266), and stands at the head of Mr. Allis herd. Thecow lying on the left is Aaggie Beatrice 2d 5243, imported byMessrs. Smiths & Powell in 1883 as a calf, the heifer calf near herbeing her daughter Netherland Beatrice. In the middle backgroundis the imported heifer Netherland Maid 6737, and in central fore-ground is seen Aaggie Lotta 4405 (imported from North HollandJune, 1883) and calf Netherland Czar. The heifer on the right isNetherland Jewel 2d 3492, imported in dam, Netherland Jewel1(2642), in September, 1882. Sketched from life by Burk. (362)
Text Appearing After Image:
.wffilii,.w\-i!i:.i:ni. ■j-j- Vi.iVi ■ - - \\< ^.,; i^i HOLSTEIN-FRIESIAN COW MERCEDES 723. Calved March 28, 1878; bred by K. N. Kuperus, Friesland; im-ported September, 1879, by Thomas B. Wales, Jr., Iowa City, la.This cow has the distinguished honor of having won the championcup offered by the Breeders Gazette for greatest butter yield forthirty consecutive days for the year ending July 1, 1883, open toall breeds; her well-authenticated record for the thirty days com-mencing with May 13 and ending June 11 being 99 lbs. 6^ oz. ofunsalted butter, the average yield per day being 3 lbs. 5 oz. Sketchedfrom life by Burk, September, 1883. (364)





Library of Congress


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