The breeds of live stock, and the principles of heredity (1887) (14778335711)
Poland-China swine
Identifier: breedsoflivestoc00sand (find matches)
Title: The breeds of live stock, and the principles of heredity ..
Year: 1887 (1880s)
Authors: Sanders, James Harvey, 1832-1899. (from old catalog)
Subjects: Livestock
Publisher: Chicago, J. H. Sanders publishing company
Text Appearing Before Image:
GROUP OF YOUNG POLAND-CHINA SWINE. To those who have been frequenters of the leading fairs andstock shows of the great pork-producing States during the lasttwenty years there has been no more familiar sight in connectionwith the swine exhibits than the collection of Poland-China swineshown by A. C. Moore, of Canton, 111. While not one of the veryearliest among the improvers of this breed, yet Mr. Moores expe-rience dates far back toward its beginning, and it is doubtful if anyman now living has been more thoroughly identified with the inter-ests of this breed from its earlier stages, or has done equally asmuch to make its merits known to the public. Our engraving showsa boar and two sows at about six months old, sketched by Burk,from the herd of A. C. Moore & Son, at the Illinois State Fair,in Peoria, September, 1882. For particulars concerning this breedsee page 453. (470)
Text Appearing After Image:
ESSEX BOAR AND SOW. This engraving, sketched by Burk from the herd of W. J. Neely,Ottawa, 111., who has maintained for many years a herd of purely-bred Essex swine, is a good illustration of typical animals of thebreed. For description and history see page 460. (472)