Sufferings endured for a free government; (1865) (14782526553)
Identifier: suffendure00wilson (find matches)
Title: Sufferings endured for a free government;
Year: 1865 (1860s)
Authors: Wilson, Thomas L., of Tennessee
Subjects: United States -- History Civil War, 1861-1865 Prisoners and prisons Refugees -- Southern States United States -- History Civil War, 1861-1865 Anecdotes
Publisher: (Philadelphia)
Contributing Library: The Library of Congress
Digitizing Sponsor: Sloan Foundation
Text Appearing Before Image:
nd will at once commenceoperations against the enemy, without waiting for specialinstructions. Their duty will be to cut ofi Federal pickets,scouts, foraging parties, and trains, and to kill pilots andothers upon gunboats and transports, attacking them dayand night, and using the greatest vigor in their move-ments. As soon as the company attains the strength irequired by law, it will proceed to elect the other officers \to which it is entitled. All sucli organizations will Ireport to these headquarters as soon as practicable. They will receive pay and allowances for subsistence andforage for the time actually in the field, as establishedby the affidavits of their captains. These companies will be governed, in all respects, bythe same regulations as other troops. Captains will beheld responsible for the good conduct and efficiency oftheir men, and will report to these headquarters fromtime to time. By command of Major-General Hindman. K. C. Newton, Assistant Adjutant-General. x:^^«-\-
Text Appearing After Image:
A. LINCOLN, AfiBassinated in Washington, April 14th, 1865. THE ASSASSINATION PLOT. 301 THE ASSASSINATION PLOT. The rebellion, which began with falsehood and per-jury, and was prosecuted with the most hideous acts ofbarbarity, at length culminated in a deed which ha^scarcely a parallell in the annals of crime. The plotcontemplated the assassination of Secretary Stanton,President Johnson and Lieutenant General Grant, aswell as President Lincoln and Secretary Seward, butthrough the good Providence of God was limited in itsexecution to the beloved Chief Magistrate of the nation,and his illustrious Secretary of State. That one so good,so kind, so forbearing and so forgiving as AbrahamLincoln, pre-eminently a man with charity for all, andmalice towards none, should have been stricken downby the assassins hand, and that the life of one so in-clined to conciliation and moderation tov^^ards the rebelsas the sagacious Secretary of State, should have beenso ferociously assailed, must be forever
Since his death in 1865, Abraham Lincoln has been an iconic American figure depicted in a wide range of media forms including printed materials, sculpture, alternative timelines, animation, documentaries, small cameos, and many fictionalized interpretations. Lincoln's unique physical appearance, including his tall and lanky stature and his distinctive beard, made him a popular subject for portrait artists. Over time, the abundance of portraits of Lincoln has contributed to his iconic status and has helped to ensure that his memory and legacy are preserved. This Abraham Lincoln portraits dataset was generated using media from the world's largest public domain source