Die weltweit größte gemeinfreie Mediensuchmaschine
Stereobild av man från indianstam som sitter och väver.


Stereobild av man från indianstam som sitter och väver.



Stereobild av man från indianstam som sitter och väver.

Public domain photograph - 19th-century male studio portrait photograph, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Weaving patterns in the 19th century were often inspired by traditional styles and motifs, as well as by the art and design movements of the time. Some popular weaving patterns during this period included: Floral patterns: Floral patterns were very popular in 19th-century weaving, and they often featured intricate and detailed designs. These patterns could be inspired by a wide range of flowers, including roses, lilies, and poppies. Geometric patterns: Geometric patterns were also popular during the 19th century, and they often featured repeating shapes and lines. These patterns could include circles, squares, diamonds, and other simple shapes. Paisley patterns: Paisley patterns, which feature an ornate, teardrop-shaped design, were also popular in the 19th century. These patterns were often inspired by traditional Indian textiles and were often used in shawls, scarves, and other decorative fabrics. Stripes and plaids: Striped and plaid patterns were also popular in the 19th century, and they were often used in clothing and home textiles. These patterns could feature a wide range of colors and were often used to create a bold, visually striking effect. Animal and nature-inspired patterns: Animal and nature-inspired patterns, such as those featuring birds, flowers, or landscapes, were also popular during the 19th century. These patterns could be very detailed and realistic, or they could be more stylized and abstract.



1860 - 1880


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No known restrictions on publication.

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Die weltweit größte gemeinfreie Mediensuchmaschine

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