Sicily in the Year 1825 - Elizabeth Campbell - text 03
Text from the album 'Sicily In the Year' 1825 by Elizabeth Campbell.
"27th Much disappointment ensued on finding a very heavy sea and a strong head wind had retarded us about six hours, and the island of Stromboli, which we had hoped to have passed at midnight (to see the running lava) we did not reach until midday. Lava was flowing we imagined from the curling smoke descending and on the higher parts smoke issued from many mouths. On this side the island seemed only lava ___ . It is of conical form but the immediate cone is gone apparently burnt in and of less beautiful form than Vesuvius. A curious isolated rock stands to the left of the island. In fine weather the vessel passes between this rock and Stromboli. As we sailed on a ___ something like vineyards were visible."