Shadow and light; an autobiography with reminiscences of the last and present century (1902) (14763761331)
Identifier: shadowlightautob00gibb_0 (find matches)
Title: Shadow and light; an autobiography with reminiscences of the last and present century
Year: 1902 (1900s)
Authors: Gibbs, Mifflin Wistar
Subjects: African Americans
Publisher: Washington, D. C.
Contributing Library: Wellesley College Library
Digitizing Sponsor: Boston Library Consortium Member Libraries
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dearnest toil, we are apt to imagine that atsome far locality, amid new surroundings,there abides a reign of contentment andhappiness, where labor has its highest re-wards and where there is a minimum ofthose trials inseparable from human exist-ence. The gratification of this migratoryimpulse has in many instances proved dis-astrous, the yielding to which should beonly indulged after every possible efforthas been made to remove local obstaclesby uprightness, softening animosities, andby industry accumulate wealth. But emi-grants have been illustrious as nationbuilders, their indomitable spirit blessingmankind and leaving impress on the scrollof time. The bump on the head of the Ne-gro that the phrenologists call inhabitive-ness is very prominent; he is not nat-urally migratory—content to bear the illshe has, than fly to those he knows not of.Hence there appeared reason, if not entiremethod in his madness. In all moA^ements of like character thereare always conflicting rumors and re-
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HON. JOHN P. GREEN.Unit(?d States Stamp Agent. Educated at Cleveland, Ohio—A Iveadmg Member of the Bar—Twice Elected toth€ Senate of the Ohio Legislature. SHADOW AND LIGHT. 183 ports as to success or failure of thebenefit or loss of the venture, andthis was no exception. Colored ini-migrants to tlie number of 10.000 hadleft the South during a brief period,and the wildest rumors circulated as toreception and success of these forerunners,and, as bad news is ever alert, much Avasheard that was discouraging and demand-ed investigation; hence the action of theNashville Conference referred to. In pur-suance of our appointment, J. T. llapierand myself, in August, 1879, went to To-peka, Kan., and from there, chiefly bywagon travel, visited different colonies ofthe immigrants. Kansas had receivedseven or eight thousand. At Topeka wefound nearl)^ 100 at immigrant camp re-ceiving rations, some sick, others lookingfor work; the balance had settled on landsor had found work as laborers. At D
AI Findings
Shadow and Light: An Autobiography with Reminiscences of the Last and Present Century
A book cover featuring an ornate design with a central figure holding a lamp, surrounded by symbolic imagery.