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Seattle Mail and Herald, v. 6, no. Progress, Dec. 20, 1902 newspaper - 5029cb25966ee8c2fff03f859b8e499e (page 36)


Seattle Mail and Herald, v. 6, no. Progress, Dec. 20, 1902 newspaper - 5029cb25966ee8c2fff03f859b8e499e (page 36)



This edition (labeled "Progress Edition" rather than v.6, no. 5) was a special 66-page edition of this weekly newspaper, which normally only ran to 16 pages.

Page 4b includes portrait of James J. Hill. He is discussed further in article on page 9. Page 5 article "Seattle A Safe Investment" discusses the resources of the Puget Sound. Page 5 article "Seattle for the Laboring Class" discusses employment opportunities in Seattle and includes photographs of 1st Avenue and 2nd Avenue. Page 8 article "Pathfinding to the Puget Sound" discusses the development of the Puget Sound area and the arrival of the railroads. Portraits of early pioneers are included. Page 12 article "A Puget Sound Fish Story" describes the fishing industry and includes photographs. Page 13 article features photos of the Arcade Building on Second Avenue and the Lumber Exchange Building. Page 15 includes photographs of Capitol Hill homes. Page 16 article "Timber Wealth of Washington" discusses the timber industry. Page 19 article discusses the Lake Washington Ship Canal and includes photographs. Page 24 includes photos of Rainier Beach properties. Page 25 includes photos of West Seattle buildings. Page 26-27 include interior photos of The Metropolitan Press offices. Page 28 includes photographs of the waterfront. Page 29 includes article on The Keeley Institute with photographs. Pages 30-31 include photographs of the Seattle Tacoma Interurban Railway and the power station in Kent. Page 32 includes photographs of the Seattle waterfront. Pages 38-39 include photographs of the Independent Telephone Company's buildings on 4th Avenue. Page 39 article discusses filling of the tide lands and includes photographs. Page 42 article discusses Seattle's retail stores. Page 26 article discusses Washington mines. Page 49 article includes pictures of the Mutual Light and Heat Company on Western Avenue. Page 60 includes article on the Puget Sound Navy Yard with photos. Page 52 includes a Butterworth's Mortuary advertisement with photos of E.R. Butterworth and his son G.M. Butterworth. Page 52 includes photos of the Pidduck-Ross grocery store on 2nd Avenue and its employees.







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