Sanborn Fire Insurance Map von Grand Forks, Grand Forks County, North Dakota
Jul 1884.
9 Sheet(s).
North Dakota fire insurance map. Sanborn fire insurance maps are detailed maps of cities and towns produced by the Sanborn Map Company for the purpose of assessing fire insurance liability. These maps typically include information such as building outlines, street names, and the location of fire hydrants, as well as the use of each building (e.g. residential, commercial, industrial). They were used by insurance companies to determine the level of risk for a given property and to set insurance rates. They are also used by city planners, architects, and historians.
South Dakota fire insurance map. Sanborn fire insurance maps are detailed maps of cities and towns produced by the Sanborn Map Company for the purpose of assessing fire insurance liability. These maps typically include information such as building outlines, street names, and the location of fire hydrants, as well as the use of each building (e.g. residential, commercial, industrial). They were used by insurance companies to determine the level of risk for a given property and to set insurance rates. They are also used by city planners, architects, and historians.