Ridpath's Universal history - an account of the origin, primitive condition and ethnic development of the great races of mankind, and of the principal events in the evolution and progress of the (14804181103)
Identifier: ridpathsuniversa05ridp (find matches)
Title: Ridpath's Universal history : an account of the origin, primitive condition and ethnic development of the great races of mankind, and of the principal events in the evolution and progress of the civilized life among men and nations, from recent and authentic sources with a preliminary inquiry on the time, place and manner of the beginning
Year: 1897 (1890s)
Authors: Ridpath, John Clark, 1840-1900
Subjects: World history
Publisher: Cincinnati : Jones
Contributing Library: University of Pittsburgh Library System
Digitizing Sponsor: Lyrasis Members and Sloan Foundation
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rule,the mercenary spirit does not rest uponthem so heavily as on nearly all the peo-ples of Western Europe and America.The enjoyment of life seems to be aprevailing motive; happiness is stillone of the conscious purposes of this 192 GREAT RACES OE MAXKLYJ). distinguished and promising race ofmen. We have ah-eady noted tlie fact of theextension of Slavic lines in several direc-tions through these parts of Slavic lines of i -r^ ^ r~\ £ dispersion reach Central Europe. One otinto Albania. ^^^^^^ -^-^^^ desccnds as far south a,*? Albania, and the resulting popu-lation in that country has felt a distinctmodification from this source. While language, just as the Slavic element maybe noted among the people. It is proba-ble that the strong pressure of Russia inthis direction has increased the propor-tion of vSlavic blood within the Alba-nian borders. Nor is it likely that theend of such tendencies has yet beenreached. Throughout Roumania, Bulgaria, andServia there is likewise an element of
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VILLAGE MUSICIAN AND GYPSIES.—Drawn by D. Lancelot. the Albanians may be regarded as prop-erly the descendants of the ancient lUyri-ans, they have, nevertheless, felt theSlavic impact, and the same is shown inthe present population. By the test oflanguage, however, this people is clearlyHellenic in its descent. It is possible totrace the modern Albanian tongue backto the Illyrian of the classical and pre-classical ages. On the side of Greece,Hellenic characteristics predominate.The Slavic trace is discoverable in the vSlavic origin. This is particularly trueof the last-named countrv. siavic elementsThe Serbs and Croats g^^f---^^^have preserved in the Servia.countries which they occupy the strong-est evidences of their race descent. Theymay almost be regarded as preeminentlySlavic among all the peoples of theirrace—outside of the borders of the Rus-sian empire. These, like the Poles, theWends, and the Czechs, are the descend-ants of a Dark Age migration out of THE SLAVS.—CROATS A