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[Porträt von Anna May Wong, in Turandot]


[Porträt von Anna May Wong, in Turandot]



Title derived from information on verso of photographic print.
Van Vechten number: V L 4.
Also available on microfilm.
Gift; Carl Van Vechten Estate; 1966.
Forms part of: Portrait photographs of celebrities, a LOT which in turn forms part of the Carl Van Vechten photograph collection (Library of Congress).

Anna May Wong was an American actress, the first Chinese American movie star, most prominent Asian American actress of her time, born in Los Angeles, California, in 1905, and began her career as a child actress in Hollywood films. She was often limited to stereotypical roles, such as the "Dragon Lady" or the subservient Asian woman. Movies: "The Toll of the Sea" (1922), "Daughter of the Dragon" (1931).

Anna May Wong (1905-1961) was a pioneering Chinese American actress who achieved international fame during the first half of the 20th century. She was born on January 3, 1905, in Los Angeles, California, as Wong Liu Tsong, to second-generation Chinese-American parents. Wong began her acting career in silent films during the 1920s and quickly gained attention for her talent and screen presence. However, she faced limited opportunities due to the prevalent racial stereotypes and discriminatory casting practices of the time, which often relegated Asian actors to stereotypical roles. Despite these challenges, Wong managed to secure significant roles in both American and European films. She starred in notable productions such as "The Toll of the Sea" (1922), "The Thief of Bagdad" (1924), and "Shanghai Express" (1932), alongside Marlene Dietrich and under the direction of Josef von Sternberg. Throughout her career, Wong was known for challenging stereotypes and advocating for more dignified and authentic portrayals of Asian characters in film. However, she still faced obstacles in Hollywood, often being passed over for leading roles in favor of white actresses. In the 1930s, Wong traveled to Europe, where she found more substantial opportunities in films like "Piccadilly" (1929) and "Daughter of the Dragon" (1931). She returned to the United States later in the decade and continued to work in both film and television. Despite her contributions to the entertainment industry, Wong struggled against racial discrimination and the limited range of roles available to Asian actors. She spoke out against these issues throughout her life and used her platform to advocate for greater representation and respect for Asian performers. She passed away on February 3, 1961, in Santa Monica, California, at the age of 56.


AI Findings

Portrait of Anna May Wong in Turandot


A portrait of Anna May Wong in costume for her role in the play Turandot.





Van Vechten, Carl, 1880-1964, photographer


Library of Congress


For publication information see "Carl Van Vechten Photographs (Lots 12735 and 12736)" http://www.loc.gov/rr/print/res/079_vanv.html

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