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Plate XI - Early photography, Public domain image


Plate XI - Early photography, Public domain image



Public domain reproduction of artwork in Getty Museum, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

Thomas Annan was a Scottish photographer born in 1829 in Dairsie, Fife, Scotland. He is best known for his photographs of Glasgow in the mid-19th century, documenting the city's slums and working-class neighbourhoods. Annan began his career as an engraver and lithographer before turning to photography in the 1850s. He opened his own photographic studio in Glasgow in 1857, producing portraits and commercial work. In the 1860s Annan began to focus on documentary photography, capturing the poverty and squalor of Glasgow's tenements. His images were published in a series of books, including 'The Old Closes and Streets of Glasgow' (1868) and 'The New Closes' (1871). Annan's photographs were instrumental in raising awareness of the living conditions in Glasgow's slums and helped to bring about reforms in housing and sanitation. His work also had a major influence on the development of documentary photography in Britain. Thomas Annan died in Glasgow in 1887, aged 58. His photographs are now held in collections around the world, including the National Galleries of Scotland and the Victoria and Albert Museum in London.





J. Paul Getty Museum


Digital image courtesy of the Getty's Open Content Program.

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Die weltweit größte gemeinfreie Mediensuchmaschine

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