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Onogawa Kisaburo. 19th century Japan. Public domain image.


Onogawa Kisaburo. 19th century Japan. Public domain image.



Onogawa Kisaburō, the 5th Yokozuna

Sumo is a traditional Japanese martial art and form of wrestling that dates back to ancient times. It originated in the Edo period of Japan when it was a popular form of entertainment for the common people. The first recorded sumo match was held in the year 23 BCE. Over the centuries, sumo has evolved into a highly respected and ritualized sport, with strict rules and traditions. The origins of Sumo date back several centuries when the sport was developed as a way of preserving the ancient traditions of Shinto, a Japanese ethnic religion. Today, elements of the Shinto religion remain an integral part of Sumo wrestling, while the sport’s greatest contenders are elevated to celebrity status. Some famous sumoists include: Chiyonofuji (1953-2016): Chiyonofuji was a legendary sumo wrestler who was active from the 1970s to the 1990s. He was one of the most successful sumo wrestlers of all time, winning 31 top division championships and earning the title of yokozuna, the highest rank in sumo. Taiho (1940-2013): Taiho was a sumo wrestler who was active from the 1950s to the 1970s. He was one of the greatest sumo wrestlers of all time, winning a record 32 top division championships and earning the title of yokozuna. Kitanoumi (1952-present): Kitanoumi is a retired sumo wrestler who was active from the 1970s to the 1990s. He was one of the most successful sumo wrestlers of his time, winning 24 top division championships and earning the title of yokozuna. Asashoryu (1980-present): Asashoryu is a retired sumo wrestler who was active from the 2000s to the 2010s. He was one of the most dominant sumo wrestlers of his time, winning 25 top division championships and earning the title of yokozuna. Hakuho (1985-present): Hakuho is a current sumo wrestler who has been active since the early 2000s. He is one of the greatest sumo wrestlers of all time, with a record-tying 41 top division championships and a record-breaking 11 consecutive championships.





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Onogawa Kisaburo
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Die weltweit größte gemeinfreie Mediensuchmaschine

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