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Northumbrian - Public domain carriage engraving


Northumbrian - Public domain carriage engraving



This is an image of a coloured lithograph, entitledLocomotive Engine, 'The Rocket', 1830published by The Leadenhall Press Ltd, 50 Leadenhall Street, London E.C. on 16 July 1894. The U.K. National Railway Museum has at least two copies, accession numbers 1975-8684 and 1978-2472, with images available through its in-house picture agency SSPL, ref 10300243. Getty Images also has a version, credited to the Imagno agency and the Austrian National Archives, identifier 462393_imagno. Corbis have a copy of the Austrian image, AU002279, and a black and white version IH161934. Copies of the lithograph also come up in print shops and on Ebay [1]. However, despite the title, the locomotive depicted is not in fact Rocket, which was yellow at this time, and of a different external design. The locomotive is actually Stephenson's 1830 locomotive Northumbrian, the engine closely resembling for example the contemporary engraving by Isaac Shaw published as plate 4 of his A new and complete work of the Liverpool and Manchester Railway (1831), although the tender is different. Dendy Marshall (1930) identifies the print as being "after the drawing by Nasmyth of the Northumbrian" "locomotive+engine+the+rocket+1830", (image, reproduced from Scientific American Supplement, October 1884). Nasmyth had sketched the locomotive four days before the opening of the line in September 1830, but misidentified it as the Rocket [2]. Marshall comments that he had never seen a copy of the print in an early state.A different version of the image is also held by Corbis, IH187731, and Bridgeman, CHT 105858, which appears to be a coloured line engraving, sourced to the Bibliotheque des Arts Decoratifs, Paris. The relation of this to the Leadenhall Press Ltd lithograph is not clear.

This image dataset is generated from our world's largest public domain image database. Made in two steps (manual, and image recognition), it comprises of more than 35,000 images of all types and sizes - an astonishing number if keep in mind that the total number of steam locomotives ever built was just one order of magnitude larger. All images are in the public domain, so there is no limitation on the dataset usage - educational, scientific, or commercial. Please contact us if you need a dataset like this, we may already have it, or, we can make one for you, often in 24 hours or less.





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Die weltweit größte gemeinfreie Mediensuchmaschine

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