Musei Leveriani explicatio, anglica et latina (1792) (14563209289)
Bubo bubo syn. Strix bubo, not what is now called "Great Horned Owl"
Identifier: museileverianiex121792shaw (find matches)
Title: Musei Leveriani explicatio, anglica et latina
Year: 1792 (1790s)
Authors: Shaw, George, 1751-1813 Ryley, Charles Reuben, 1752?-1798, ill Reinagle, Philip, 1749-1833, ill Stone, Sarah, ca. 1760-1844, ill Skelton, William, 1763-1848, engraver Edwards, Sydenham, 1769?-1819, engraver
Subjects: Lever, Ashton, Sir, 1729-1788 Leverian Museum (London, England) Zoology Natural history museums Mammals Birds
Publisher: (London) : Impensis Jacobi Parkinson
Contributing Library: Smithsonian Libraries
Digitizing Sponsor: Smithsonian Libraries
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urops partibusminime rara. Cuniculos, aves, aliaque animalia prjedatur. Supervacaneum forlan fit notare genus male ominatum et luftus praefagumab omnibus fere populi femper habltum fulfle : qus fuperftitio etiam in Ame-rica dominatur, quaquc- ex antlquls immunes fuifle foil videntur Athenlenfes,qui bubonem utpote avem Mlnervte diledam, magno favore tutati funt; Illamipfam prsecipue fpeciem de qua jam agitur, cujus non dubito quin tunc, tem.-poris maxima Ibi eflet copla, cum hodie nulla fit penurla. Notandum eft ftrlges aliquot, duas nempe vel tres, mole et partlum pro-proportione huic funlllimas, coloribus tamen longe diverfas, a nonnullis va-rletates potius quam fpecies. vere diflindas haberi ; ftrigem fcilicet ScandlacamLinnsel, In Suecia Septentrlonall natam, quas penitus albet; llrigemque Virgi-nicmam ejufdem audloris, Amerlcs Auftralls Incolam, qua; a noftra ave in eo,tantum dlffert, quod peflus et abdomen alba fiiit, ftriis Innumeris tranfverfis,fulco-nigricantibus fafciata. THE
Text Appearing After Image:
5TK1A BUBO THE GM.EAT IH(0R:NED OWIL . ( 121 ) THE GREAT HORNED OWL, GENERIC CHARACTER. Bill crooked ; without cere.Nostrils covered with briftly feathersHead large: both ears and eyes very large.Tongue bifid. Laiham. SPECIFIC CHARACTER, &:c. Rufous Owl variegated with fpots, marks, and fpecklings of black, brown,,and cinereous. Great Horned-Owl or Eagle-OwL. TFill. cm. p. 99. /. 12.Le grand Due. Buff. ois. I. p. 332. /. 22Great Eaxed OwL. Lath. Symps. \, p. 116.- TH E (pedes of Owl here reprefented, is taken from a fpecimen ofuncommon beauty asd perfeftion. The alliance between this genus andthat of Falco, is extremely ftrong; and indeed owls may be confidered as akind of nofturnal Hawks, differing, as Linnaeus mofl happily obferves, fromthofe birds in the fame manner as moths differ from butterfiiesj the one-being chiefly nofturnal, the other diurnal. They are divided into the horned:and hornlefs, or thofe which have elongated plumes ftanding up oa each fida ( 122 ) fide the hea