Mozart - Die Zauberflöte - The great invocation scene - The Victrola book of the opera
Mozart - Die Zauberflöte - The great invocation scene
Identifier: victrolabookofop00vict (find matches)
Title: The Victrola book of the opera : stories of one hundred and twenty operas with seven-hundred illustrations and descriptions of twelve-hundred Victor opera records
Year: 1917 (1910s)
Authors: Victor Talking Machine Company Rous, Samuel Holland
Subjects: Operas
Publisher: Camden, N.J. : Victor Talking Machine Co.
Contributing Library: Harold B. Lee Library
Digitizing Sponsor: Brigham Young University
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invite his rival. Thisgentleman sends her a polite note of thanks but announces that his mother expects him ! Itthen occurs to the prima donna that she can solve the problem by having her maid as adinner companion, but discovers that even Nichette always eats with her mother on thisevening. In a temper, the prima donna dismisses the maid, and goes into hysterics. Didier,a painter and childhood friend of the singer, appears with a completed portrait of her deadmother. He tries to soothe her, but is compelled to refuse her invitation to dine, as he alsois dining with his parents. Madeleine refuses his invitation to accompany him, and as hedeparts she places the portrait before her on the table, and as a ray of sunlight falls on theloved face, remarks: Then I, too, shall dine with my mother! The noted American composer has given some of his beautiful melodies to this opera,notably Madeleines air, A Perfect Day. A Perfect Day By Frances Alda, Soprano (In English) 74385 12-inch, $1.50 270
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PHOTO WHITE THE GREAT INVOCATION SCENE (French) LA FLUTE ENCHANTEE (Lah Fleut A hn-shan-tay) (German) ## DIE ZAUBERFLOTE (Dee Tsow-ber-floh -teh) (English) THE MAGIC FLUTE (Italian) IL FLAUTO MAGICO (Eel Flau-toh Maj-ee-koh) OPERA IN TWO ACTS Libretto by Schickaneder, adapted from a tale by Wieland, Lulu, or the Magic Flute.Music by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. First produced in Vienna, September 30, 1791, Mozartdirecting. First Paris production as Les Mysteres dhis, August 20, 1801. First Londonproduction, in Italian, in 1811; in German, 1833; in English, 1838. First New York pro-duction April 17, 1833, at the Park Theatre, in English, and not again until November 21,1859, when it was given at the German Theatre in Italian. Later productions includedthat of 1876, with Carlotta Patti; at the Grand Opera House, with di Murska, Lucca andRonconi; and at the Academy with Gerster. The latest revival was at the Metropolitan in 1912, with Destinn, Hempel, Parks,Homer, Goritz, Slezak and Lambert