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Laughing Boy - theatrical playbill, public domain image


Laughing Boy - theatrical playbill, public domain image



B.F. Keith's (venue)

A playbill (program or brochure that is distributed to theater patrons prior to or during a performance that contains information about the play, its cast, and crew, as well as other details such as the theater's location and upcoming performances) from a performance supported by The Federal Theatre Project. The Federal Theatre Project (FTP) was a New Deal program created in 1935 as part of the Works Progress Administration (WPA). Its goal was to provide employment for out-of-work theater professionals and to produce plays for a wide audience. The FTP operated until 1939 when it was shut down due to political pressure and funding cuts. During its existence, the FTP produced thousands of plays and employed thousands of theater workers, including actors, directors, playwrights, and stagehands. Some of the most notable productions of the FTP include the Living Newspaper plays, which used theater to comment on current events, and the Federal Theatre's Negro Unit, which produced plays about the African American experience. - Picryl description







Library of Congress


Public Domain

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Die weltweit größte gemeinfreie Mediensuchmaschine

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