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Krizaci neverici - Public domain dedication image


Krizaci neverici - Public domain dedication image



Français : Bataille de Antiochie (1098)

Public domain reproduction of illuminated medieval manuscript page, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description

The Siege of Antioch was a major event that took place during the First Crusade from October 1097 to June 1098. Antioch was a strategically important city in modern Turkey and was one of the largest and wealthiest cities in the region at the time. The crusaders, led by Bohemond of Taranto, were on their way to Jerusalem when they decided to lay siege to Antioch. The city was well fortified and defended by a Muslim garrison, making it a difficult target for the crusaders. The siege lasted several months, during which the Crusaders faced many hardships, including harsh weather conditions, lack of supplies and internal conflicts. However, they were eventually able to break through the city's defences and capture Antioch in June 1098. The fall of Antioch was a turning point in the First Crusade, providing the Crusaders with a base from which to launch further attacks on Muslim lands. It also boosted Crusader morale, attracting more knights and soldiers to their cause. However, the Crusaders' control of Antioch was short-lived. In 1099 they continued their march towards Jerusalem, leaving a small garrison in the city. The Muslims, led by Kerbogha of Mosul, besieged Antioch again and managed to recapture it in December 1098. It was not until the Crusaders' successful capture of Jerusalem in 1099 that Antioch was permanently secured under their control. The Siege of Antioch remains a significant event in the history of the Crusades, highlighting the determination and resilience of the Crusaders in their quest to reclaim the Holy Land from Muslim rule. It also demonstrated the strategic importance of Antioch as a key stronghold in the region.





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