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Juan de Flandes - Christ and the Canaanite Woman - WGA12050


Juan de Flandes - Christ and the Canaanite Woman - WGA12050



Español: La obra representa a Jesucristo en el pozo junto a la mujer samaritana.

Juan de Flandes (c. 1460-1519) was a Flemish painter who worked in Spain in the late 15th and early 16th centuries. The exact details of his birth and early life are not well documented, but it is believed that he was born in Flanders (now Belgium) around 1460. The 'de Flandes' in his name indicates his Flemish origins. Juan de Flandes is well known for his contributions to Spanish Renaissance art. He spent much of his career in Spain, where he became a court painter. His work is often associated with the Catholic Monarchs, Ferdinand II of Aragon and Isabella I of Castile, who ruled Spain in the late 15th century. His notable works include altarpieces and religious paintings. He was influenced by both Flemish and Italian Renaissance painting styles, combining northern European precision with southern European colour and light effects. One of Juan de Flandes' most famous works is the "Altarpiece of the Adoration of the Magi", which he created for the Monastery of Santo Tomás in Ávila. This altarpiece shows his skill in portraying intricate details and expressive faces. Juan de Flandes died in Spain around 1519. Despite the relatively small number of works attributed to him, his contributions to Spanish Renaissance art are recognised, and he is considered an important figure in the cultural exchange between northern and southern Europe during this period.


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Christ and the Canaanite Woman

Washington, D.C., USA

The painting depicts the biblical story of Christ and the Canaanite woman, where a woman pleads with Jesus to heal her daughter.





Web Gallery of Art


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