nach einer Radierung von Charles-Nicolas Cochin dem Jüngeren, Zeichner und Kupferstecher, 1715-1790 (Künstlernotizen) Unbekannt (Nationalität des Künstlers) Cochin, Charles-Nicolas, der Jüngere, 1715-1790 (Originalkünstler) Recto: obere Mitte: Nein.
after an etching by Charles-Nicolas Cochin the younger, draughtsman and engraver, 1715-1790 (artist notes)
Unknown (artist nationality)
Cochin, Charles-Nicolas, the younger, 1715-1790 (original artist)
Recto: top center: No. IV. of Curiosities found in the Ruins of HERCULANEUM. ; verso: u. l.: (in pencil) Reeves 6d ; l. l.: (in pencil) C575/267 (inscription)
Etching. (medium)
Good condition. Sheet trimmed at left edge, which cuts off plate impression on left side. (condition)
Harold Reeves, London, 10 Mar. 1937. (provenance)
Panpipes (instrument)
Bellicard, Jérôme-Charles, 1726-1786 (related names)
18th century (century)
Works of art - - Groups of Musicians including Processions (miller category)
The Dayton C. Miller collection in the Library of Congress, contains nearly 1,700 flutes and other wind instruments, statuary, iconography, books, music, trade catalogs, tutors, patents, and other materials mostly related to the flute. It includes both Western and non-Western examples of flutes from around the world, with at least 460 European and American instrument makers represented. Items in the collection date from the 16th to the 20th century.