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Harper's school geography (1885) (14773352805)


Harper's school geography (1885) (14773352805)



Identifier: cu31924032176749 (find matches)
Title: Harper's school geography
Year: 1885 (1880s)
Publisher: New York, American Book Co
Contributing Library: Cornell University Library
Digitizing Sponsor: MSN

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Text Appearing Before Image:
s ? Name the mostimportant.—5. What is said of the commerce?—6. Of the government?—7. What issaid of London? Liverpool? Manchester? Leeds and Bradford? Sheffield? Bir-mingham ? Newcastle ? Merthyr Tydvil and Swansea ? Glasgow ? Edinburgh ?Dundee? Aberdeen? Dublin? Belfast? Cork and Limerick? (II.)—1. Name the most important British colonies. What other possessions hasthe United Kingdom ?—5. How many merchant vessels has Great Britain ? Howmany seamen ? In what nre they engaged ? With what country is the chief trade ?How is the foreign commerce protected ? How is the navy made effective ? Namethe depots. In what do the several countries of Europe differ ? What rivalries exist?What is the result? What is said of the standing-armies? Of the navies? Whatcountry of Europe has the most powerful navy ? By what means are these armies andnavies maintained ? What is the consequence ? What is said of the army and navyof the United States ?—6. Describe the government of Great Britain.
Text Appearing After Image:
WESTERN AND CENTRAL EUROPE: QUESTIONS ON THE MAP.—REVIEW EXERCISES.—DESCRIPTION. 93 H hi I—IO MI—I ••§0 s 1) 2 §O -. V • V. I (\., •■3 C H-1 Si 1 c 0) f^ C r73 VH /^. ^. ■«^ a •«; <L) 1- td1*^ r/5 Hi 1:. ® s O 2 u,ra t-^ <u VPh •aC 1) o q « /v rt ^ s ^S m -g tS * 3 ^fM .2 «! pqU-^^ g S 2 -. c N fH W g W < - « rt H O M rt CO u T3 ■• « -a rt C rt pq y 5 c3 O ^^ 1 H^ •■^ rt1^ S3 (1> i I I ^^ W U oj Ph 3O a > .3U « en n 0) S C n.. tn IS -S a c« is en § s H 3 S pq> ts.. ^ ~ O ^> e I?if n . f\.» ^ § s 2« I I ^h1 3 ^. o 15 « .5 >• 13PS sS 3sm Q *■« ^^ I 601^ op .a 0)S > 2 g Go c On-. >- C3 g -C .S CI>■ S 1-1 V u ^^ g t o <U rt-. 43 (U 3 O. O O 1) 3 ■S w XT tnO ^ ■S i^ *^ ^ tn ^—^ tJ 3.3 -<- 3 enn.. O 3 ^■^ s I* Q r-

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Please note that these images are extracted from scanned page images that may have been digitally enhanced for readability - coloration and appearance of these illustrations may not perfectly resemble the original work.'





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