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Handbook to the ethnographical collections (1910) (14803257483)


Handbook to the ethnographical collections (1910) (14803257483)



Identifier: handbooktoethnog00brit (find matches)
Title: Handbook to the ethnographical collections
Year: 1910 (1910s)
Authors: British Museum. Dept. of British and Mediaeval Antiquities and Ethnography Joyce, Thomas Athol, 1878-1942 Dalton, O. M. (Ormonde Maddock), 1866-1945
Publisher: (London) : Printed by order of the Trustees
Contributing Library: University of California Libraries
Digitizing Sponsor: MSN

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Bronze licjid uf a ^^irl wiiiriiig coral-liin<1 lifad-tlnss.Benin, West Africa. (Face p. 240 AFRICA 241 ceremonial stool from the Yoriiba (fig. 214); not less interesting,though less remarkable owing to the softness of the material fromwhich they are made, are the steatite carvings found in the Mendicountry, which are probably the work of previous negro in-habitants (fig. 215). Iron-smelting and working are widespread,except among the Bube, who were living in the stone age at thetime of their discovery ; the Bini acquired the art of bronze cast-ing by the cire perdue process from the Portuguese of the sixteenthcentury 1 (PI. XIII and figs. 216 220). Brass (fig. 221) and goldworking and casting is largely practised in Ashanti. The best
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Fig. 222.—Painted pottery. Kabyle, Algeria. pottery is made by the Kabyles (fig. 222); that of the negro tribescalls f(jr no special remark, and the baskets (coiled in thei>arkland, woven in the forest) are inferior to those of the Congoarea. Among the nomad triljes most of the utensils are of wood.Cotton weaving and dyeing (indigo) is one of the staple industriesof the Hausa country, and the Bini, Ashanti, and Mendi arealso good weavers. The leather-work of Tuareg, Fula, Mandingoand Hausa is celebrated. The sj^ear (fig. 164. 19, 21) as aweapon is ))ractically universal, as are bows and arrows (exceptTumok, Galjeri, Sara). The knife with a ring-handle is charac-teristic of part of this area (Wute, Bali, Munshi, Montoil), andthrowing-knives are found locally (Gaberi, Sara, Laka, Tibbu), 1 This question is treated in Ciill in Antiqinties from Benin in Ike BritishMuseicm. 242 AFRICA also clubs Jind swovds (the latter amongst all the Lil>yan tribes).Shields are of vegetable substa





University of California


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handbook to the ethnographical collections 1910
Handbuch zu den ethnographischen Sammlungen 1910
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