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Handbook to the ethnographical collections (1910) (14783010692)


Handbook to the ethnographical collections (1910) (14783010692)



Identifier: handbooktoethnog00brit (find matches)
Title: Handbook to the ethnographical collections
Year: 1910 (1910s)
Authors: British Museum. Dept. of British and Mediaeval Antiquities and Ethnography Joyce, Thomas Athol, 1878-1942 Dalton, O. M. (Ormonde Maddock), 1866-1945
Publisher: (London) : Printed by order of the Trustees
Contributing Library: University of California Libraries
Digitizing Sponsor: MSN

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a colonizing expedition on a far largerscale than before ; a fleet of canoes manned by the boldest andmost adventurous of the Polynesian chiefs sailed fi-om Tahiti via,Raratonga, landed in New Zealand and eventually made themselvesmasters, killing or enslaving the former and more jjrimitivesettlers. One canoe returned, but from that year communicationbetween New Zealand and the rest of Polynesia was suspended.It is a matter of dispute whether New Zealand was ever inhabitedby Melanesians, but on the whole the evidence seems to be againstthe theory. This migration took place some time in the fourteenthcentury, and it is interesting to note that the New Zealandershave developed on lines ratlier different from tlie rest of thePolynesians. The less relaxing nature of the climate enabled 172 OCEANIA tliem to keep their energy unimpaired ; while the necessity ofconstructing more sul)stanli;il )i;ibit;itions and clothing, and ofexpending greater labour in provision of food, gave an impulse to
Text Appearing After Image:
Fig. 150.—Figure of a Maori chief wearing garments of woven liax, on hishead two huia feathers, and round his neck a jade tiki. In his hand is theweapon called liani or taiaha. New Zealand. the arts of invention and manufacture. Thus physically, in-tellectually and culturally they stand at the head of the Poly-nesian peoples. The clothes of the Maori were made almost entirely of flax tLAtK IX. ^;-*





University of California


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