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Fetichism in West Africa; forty years' observation of native customs and superstitions (1904) (14596429539)


Fetichism in West Africa; forty years' observation of native customs and superstitions (1904) (14596429539)



Identifier: fetichisminwesta00nass (find matches)
Title: Fetichism in West Africa; forty years' observation of native customs and superstitions
Year: 1904 (1900s)
Authors: Nassau, Robert Hamill, 1835-1921
Subjects: Fetishism -- Africa, West Ethnology -- Africa, West
Contributing Library: Princeton Theological Seminary Library
Digitizing Sponsor: MSN

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mily Guardian-Spirit Company 320 XIII. Three-Things Came Back too Late 326 CHAPTER XVII Fetich in Folk-Lore 330 I. Queen Ngwe-nkonde and her Manja 332 II. The Beautiful Daughter 337 III. The Husband that Came from an Animal . . . 346 IV. The Fairy Wife 351 V. The Thieves and their Enchanted House .... 358 VI. Banga-of-the-five-faces 367 VII. The Two Brothers 372 VIII. J6ki and his Ozazi 378 Glossary 387 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS Fetich Magician Front ispiece Facing Page Native King in the Niger Delta IQ English Trading-House. — Gabun 24 Fetich Doctor 86 Elephants Tusks and Palm-leaf Thatch. Two Hundred Miles up the Ogowe River 148 War Canoe. — Calabar, West Africa 174 Natives Trading in Plantains and Bamboo Building Ma-terials. — Gabun 182 Travelling by Canoe. — Ogowe River 198 A Civilized Family. — Gabun 236 Njembe. Female Secret Society. — Mpongwe, Gabun . . 254 Ekope of the Ivanga Dance. — Gabun 296 A Street in Libreville, Gabun 300 Map of the West African Coast . , , , 1
Text Appearing After Image:
FETICHISM IN WEST AFRICA CHAPTER I CONSTITUTION OF NATIVE AFRICAN SOCIETY —SOCIOLOGY THAT stream of the Negro race which is known ethno-logically as Bantu, occupies all of the southernportion of the African continent below the fourth degree ofnorth latitude. It is divided into a multitude of tribes, eachwith its own peculiar dialect. All these dialects are coo-natein their grammar. Some of them vary only slightly in theirvocabulary. In others the vocabulary is so distinctly differ-ent that it is not understood by tribes only one hundred milesapart, while that of others a thousand miles away may beintelligible. In their migrations the tribes have been like a river, withits windings, currents swift or slow; there have been even, inplaces, back currents; and elsewhere quiet, almost stagnantpools. But they all — from the Divala at Kamerun on theWest Coast across to the Kiswahile at Zanzibar on the East,and from Buganda by the Victoria Nyanza at the north downto Zulu in the south at th

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