Feldspital 1506 in Seravallo, Gesamtansicht.
The Isonzo is a river in the Austro-Hungarian Empire (now Slovenia) that was the site of several major battles during World War I. The Isonzo Front was the name given to the area where the fighting took place. The battles of the Isonzo were fought between the Austro-Hungarian Empire and the Kingdom of Italy, with the Italian Army attempting to gain control of the region. The first battle of the Isonzo took place in 1915, and a total of 12 battles were fought along the river between 1915 and 1917. The fighting was particularly brutal, with heavy casualties on both sides.
The first battle of the Isonzo began on June 23, 1915, and it ended on July 7, 1915. The Italian Army made some initial gains, but it ultimately failed to achieve its objectives. The battle resulted in heavy casualties on both sides, with estimates ranging from 40,000 to 100,000 total killed, wounded, and missing. It is estimated that the total number of deaths during the 12 battles of the Isonzo between 1915 and 1917 was around 300,000 and the total number of casualties (including both military personnel and civilians) during the 12 battles of the Isonzo between 1915 and 1917 was around 600,000.
Die Isonzo-Front war einer der brutalsten Feldzüge des Ersten Weltkriegs: 29 Monate Grabenkämpfe und 12 große Schlachten forderten über 500.000 Opfer, darunter 200.000 österreichisch-ungarische Soldaten. Die Zahl der italienischen Todesopfer war schrecklich: 300.000 der Hälfte der gesamten italienischen Verluste im Ersten Weltkrieg entfielen auf diese 90 km lange Strecke. Tausende slowenische Zivilisten aus der Region Goriza und Gradisca starben während des Feldzuges an Unterernährung in italienischen Flüchtlingslagern. Weite Teile der Befestigungsanlagen wurden restauriert, und es entstand ein "Weg des Friedens", der sich durch die wahrhaft schöne slowenische Landschaft schlängelt und Orte unvorstellbaren Leids miteinander verbindet.