Епископ Костромской и Галичский Евгений (Бережков)
Русский: Евгений (Бережков), еп. Костромской и Галичский. Фотография. 10-е гг. XX в. (РГИА)
The clobuk is a black headdress in the form of a cylinder (kamilavka) extending upwards, with a stitched on coverlet - a coverlet of a special shape, descending on the back and chest and divided into three parts. In the rite of tonsure the clobuk is called a helmet of salvation and a cover of obedience. Hieromonks wear the clobuk during divine service. The clobuk may also be worn during the divine service by schekhimniks in the priesthood (hieroschomonks and schehiigumens). The cylindrical form of the clobuk appeared in the XVII century in the Greek Church, then spread in Russia. Before that, the clobuk was hemispherical in shape.