Dreer's garden book 1916 (1916) (20394908153)
Title: Dreer's garden book 1916
Identifier: dreersgardenbook1916henr (find matches)
Year: 1916 (1910s)
Authors: Henry A. Dreer (Firm); Henry G. Gilbert Nursery and Seed Trade Catalog Collection
Subjects: Seeds Catalogs; Nursery stock Catalogs; Gardening Equipment and supplies Catalogs; Flowers Seeds Catalogs; Vegetables Seeds Catalogs; Fruit Seeds Catalogs
Publisher: Philadelphia, Pa. : Henry A. Dreer
Contributing Library: U.S. Department of Agriculture, National Agricultural Library
Digitizing Sponsor: U.S. Department of Agriculture, National Agricultural Library
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DREER'S SPECIAL CROSBY'S EGYPTIAN BEET. This special selection of extra early Beet is as great an im- provement over the ordinary Crosby Egyptian as the latter variety is over the old-time Egyptian Blood Turnip Beet and is valuable both for the private gardener and those who grow Beets for market. In the production of this seed, selection is not only made for shape, but also for extreme earliness and high quality. The skin is very smooth, bright red and flesh-vermil- ion, very sweet and tender. This Beet is good for forcing, as well as growing in the garden, and mav be used while small. Pkt., 10 cts.; oz., 20 cts.; J lb., 50 cts.'; lb., $1.75. EARLY MODEL BEET. A fine selection of blood-red Beet, extremely smooth, fine rich color and desirable shape, and makes a rapid growth, maturing very early. It is globe shape and the color of flesh a rich blood- red, and of most excellent quality, being sweet, tender and free from coarseness. The tops are quite small, making it a fine variety for forcing in hotbed, and it retains all the good qualities either when grown under glass or outside. Is is safe to say that this is one of the finest of the early globe-shape Beets on the market. Pkt., 10 cts.; oz., 20 cts.; £ lb., 50 cts.; lb., $1.75. DARK-LEAVED GLOBE BEET. This excellent variety of Beet was offered by us for the first time in 1910, and has given satisfaction wherever planted. It is a splendid type of the blood-turnip variety, the originator, in making his selections, having in mind an ideal Beet combining good quality with beautiful globe shape. The extremely dark foliage of this variety is a striking feature, while the correspond- ing rich, dark color of flesh and beautiful globe shape combine to make it an exceedingly attractive variety. The quality is excellent, being sweet and tender. Pkt., 10 cts.; oz., 20 cts.; Jib., 50 cts.; lb., $1.75. KENTUCKY WONDER WAX POLE BEANi A yellow-podded " Kentucky Wonder," which bears a large quantity of rich, golden-yellow pods from the time the plant is about half-grown until it is killed by frost in the fall. The plant makes a quick, healthy growth, and, like the "Kentucky Wonder," it is exceedingly productive, bearing large pods, which are thick, meaty, stringless; very tender, and have a fine flavor when cooked. This variety is bound to gain in favor, both for the home garden and for market. Pkt., 10 cts., by mail. By express or freight, at purchaser's expense, pt., 25 cts.; qt., 40 cts. (If pt. or qt. is wanted by Parcel Post add postage as per page 15); 4 qts., $1.25; peck, $2.25. (4)