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De luxe illustrated catalogue of the treasures and antiquities illustrating the golden age of Italian art, belonging to the famous expert and antiquarian, Signor Stefano Bardini, of Florence, Italy; (14765079784)


De luxe illustrated catalogue of the treasures and antiquities illustrating the golden age of Italian art, belonging to the famous expert and antiquarian, Signor Stefano Bardini, of Florence, Italy; (14765079784)



Identifier: deluxeillustrate00bardrich (find matches)
Title: De luxe illustrated catalogue of the treasures and antiquities illustrating the golden age of Italian art, belonging to the famous expert and antiquarian, Signor Stefano Bardini, of Florence, Italy;
Year: 1918 (1910s)
Authors: Bardini, Stefano, 1836-1922 American Art Association Townsend, Horace, 1859-1922 Kirby, Thomas E., 1846-
Subjects: Art -- Private collections
Publisher: (New York, American Art Association)
Contributing Library: University of California Libraries
Digitizing Sponsor: MSN

Text Appearing Before Image:
608—Sixteenth Cextukv Tuscan Gilt Walnut ^Iikror FrameRectangular shape. The inner frame molded and carved withflutings, headings and reel and l)ead ornament. The sides sup-ported hy scrolled and voluted hrackets meeting on sliell centers,and the apron carved to correspond. On cresting is a scrolledand voluted carved hroken pediment, having in the center ascrolled oval escutcheon charged with a coat-ot-arms of a coupeddragon, supported hy two youthfid angels and sunimunted 1)Vthe )*a))al Tiara and crossed keys. Carving heightened hyailding. This f();it-()f-iirin> was that of I,<;(Pope Grf^orv XIII. toi- whom thr tramthat «■(• owe the (ircirorian cakiular, in ahnost uiiixeipresent (lay. Hii()iic(,inpa,on„ ( 1.)()2-158.3),was made. It is to tliis Pope at tlie llJlii£lJJ!Uriiai\lKlUi,UI(litiilli
Text Appearing After Image:
609—Sixteenth Centukv TrscAx Walxut Miuuor Fkajie Rectan<riilar sha))e witli molded and Hiited cornice supportedl)v rectaiiular consoles with Hated fronts and jjcndants carvedwith overlapping patera-. The frame is molded and carved withhands of giiilloche patterning separated l)y stjuare rosetted dies,and the a2)ron is scrolled, voluted and carved with a female. Height, 641^. inchr.i: -u-idfh. i-2^ ■_. inchc.<t. 610—Sixteenth Ckxtuky Tuscan Walnut Cabinet Rectangular shape Avith molded and fluted top. Body arrangedas cupboard with drawer over. Cupboard with hinged andmolded paneled door, the panel carved with circular fluted me-dallions and fluted fan-shaped ornaments at angles. Flankedby molded panels carved with voluted palm-branch patterning.Drawer above with front and flanking dies, and plinth belowwith molded panel, all carAcd to correspond. Inciuved stand,carved with vohited scrollings and winged lion mask, moldedbase and scrolled feet. Height, 4 feci (i inch





University of California


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de luxe illustrated catalogue of the treasures and antiquities illustrating the golden age of italian art 1918
Illustrierter Deluxe-Katalog der Schätze und Antiquitäten zur Veranschaulichung des goldenen Zeitalters der italienischen Kunst 1918
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