Die weltweit größte gemeinfreie Mediensuchmaschine
Clothpainter - Public domain scan of engraving


Clothpainter - Public domain scan of engraving



"Supramanya, second son of Lord Siva"
Handcoloured engravings by Frederic Shoberl from his work 'The World in Miniature: Hindoostan'. London: R. Ackerman, 1820's. More images from the same source:

"A Basketmaker and his Wife"*
"Beater of Cotton and his Wife"*
"A Brahmin who Teaches the Day and his Wife"*
"Brazier"*; *"Brazier's Wife"*
"The Bridegroom Conducted in State to the House of the Bride"*
"Carpenter and Mason"*
"Catamaran, Chelingh"*
"Ceremony of Throwing the Colossal Statue of the Goddess Cali into the Water"*
"Cloth Beater"*; *"Cloth Painter"*
"Conjuror and Juggler with Painted Balls"*
"Cotton Spinning"*
"Dealer in Betel, Areca, etc."*
"Dealer in Pearls"*
"Devedassis or Bayaderes"*
"Dress and Ornaments, Hindoo Ladies"*
"Dourga Killing Maissassour"*
"The Fakir Perkasanund"*; *"The Fakir Praoun Pouri"*
"The Father of the Bride Going with the Nuptial Presents to the Bridegroom"*
"Funeral of a Hindoo"*
"Ganesha, God of Wisdom"*
"Gilder"*; *"Gold Beater"*; *"Goldsmith"*
"A Hindoo Cradle"*
"A Hindoo Dancer called Baloks"*
"Hindoo Jugglers, Swallowing a Sword and Balancing a Buffalo"*
"Hindoo Ladies Paying a Visit to a Persee Lady"*
"Hindoo Ploughman and Herdsman"*
"Hindoos Throwing Themselves on Mattresses Covered with Sharp Instruments"*
"A Hindoo Widow Burning Herself with the Corpse of her Husband"*
"Horse Breaker, Smith"*
"The Husband Swearing in the Presence of a Brahmin to take Care of his Wife"*
"A Mahometan Beating the Nagabotte"*
"A Mahometan Officer"*
"Mahometan Woman Travelling"*
"A Mahratta"*
"Mahratta Shoemaker, Shoemaker"*
"Malabar Tailor"*
"Malabar Writer"*
"Manmadin, the Indian Cupid"*
"Mariatta Codam, or Manner of Dancing in Honour of the Goddess Mariatta"*
"Musical Instruments, plate 1"*; *"Musical Instruments, plate 2"*; *"Musical Instruments, plate 3"*
"Nemessura Cavadi, or Woman Carrying the Water of the Ganges"*
"Pandarons, Penitents of the Sect of Sheeva"*
"A Pandidappan Brahmin and his Wife"*
"A Papan Vaichenvan Brahmin and a Tatoidipapan Brahmin"*
"A Pecali or Water Carrier Attending the Army"*
"A Poojari, Singing the History of Mariatta"*
"Potter"*; *"Potter's Wife"*
"Preparation of the Warp for Weaving"*
"A Rajah and his Wife Celebrating the Festival of Kishna"*
"A Rajah Giving Audience"*
"A Rajpoot"*
"A Religious Procession"*
"A Seik and a Seapoy in the French Service"*
"(1) A Seapoy in the Native Attire; (2) A Hindoo Soldier; (3) A Brigbasi"*
"Shell Cutter"*
"Silk Dyer"*
"Snake Charmer"*
"A Sourer and his Wife"*
"A Species of Penance Practiced at the Festival of Goddess Bhavani"*
A Sugar Mill*
"Suja Dowlah, Vizir of the Mogul Empire, Nawab of Oude, and his Ten Sons"*
"Supramanya, second son of Lord Siva"* (shown above)
"Tadin: playing with fire; Ariganda apndaron; Tadin: with a padlock to his mouth"*
"Telinga Barber, Malabar Barber"*
"Ter, or Sacred Chariot"*
"Trimurti--the Indian Trinity"*
"Two Seapoy Officers; A Private Seapoy"*
"Vishnu in his Third Incarnation as a Wild Boar"*
"Vishnu Reclined on Serpent Adisscchen"*
"Water Carrier"*; *"Water Carrier"* (2)
"Weaver"*; *"Weaving"*
"Winding Cotton"*; *"Winding Silk"*
"Wives of Brahmins"*





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frederic shoberl the world in miniature hindoostan 1820 s
frederic shoberl die welt in miniatur hindoostan 1820 s
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Die weltweit größte gemeinfreie Mediensuchmaschine

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