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Chavannes-près-Renens, Archives cantonales vaudoises, P Château de La Sarraz H 50, f. 140r – Book of Hours of Jean de Gingins


Chavannes-près-Renens, Archives cantonales vaudoises, P Château de La Sarraz H 50, f. 140r – Book of Hours of Jean de Gingins



This Book of Hours following the liturgical custom of Paris contains a large number of private prayers in Latin and French, most of them unpublished. As indicated in the colophon on page 193r, the book was produced in 1421 in Paris in the workshop of the bookseller Jacquet Lescuier. It was commissioned, or perhaps only bought, by Jean II de Gingins, born around 1385 and died either at the end of 1461 or the beginning of 1462; he had his coat of arms painted on p. 193v. The miniatures were executed by several illuminators, among them the “Guise Master,” the “Bedford Master” and a student associated with the “Boucicaut Master.” The last representative of the Gingin-La Sarraz family left the castle to her brother-in-law, Henri de Mandrot, who in turn gave this manuscript and the family archive to the state archive of the canton of Vaud in 1920.
Deutsch: Dieses Stundenbuch nach dem Gebrauch von Paris enthält eine grosse Anzahl von lateinischen und französischen Privatgebeten, die meisten davon unveröffentlicht. Wie es uns das Kolophon auf der Seite 193r mitteilt, wurde es in Paris, im Jahre 1421 beim Buchhändler Jacquet Lescuier angefertigt. Auftraggeber, vielleicht auch nur Käufer, war Jean II de Gingins, geboren gegen 1385 und gestorben entweder Ende 1461 oder Anfang 1462, der sein Wappen auf S. 193v malen liess. Die Miniaturen wurden von mehreren Illuminatoren ausgeführt, darunter der "Guise-Meister", der "Bedford-Meister" und ein Schüler aus dem Umfeld des "Boucicaut-Meisters". Die letzte Vertreterin der Familie von Gingin-La Sarraz vermachte das Schloss ihrem Schwager, Henri de Mandrot, der seinerseits 1920 die Handschrift und das Familienarchiv dem Kantonsarchiv von Waadt übergab.
Français : Ce livre d'heures à l'usage de Paris contient une grande quantité de prières privées en latin et en français, pour la plupart inédites. Comme nous l’apprend le colophon au f. 193r, il a été exécuté à Paris en 1421 chez le libraire Jacquet Lescuier. Jean II de Gingins, né vers 1385 et mort vers la fin de 1461 ou au début de 1462, fut le commanditaire ou du moins l'acheteur de ce livre, en effet il fit peindre ses armoiries au f. 193v. Les miniatures ont été exécutées par plusieurs enlumineurs, entre autres le « Maître de Guise », le « Maître de Bedfort » et un disciple de l'entourage du « Maitre de Boucicaut ». La dernière représentante de la famille de Gingins-La Sarraz légua le château à son beau-frère, Henri de Mandrot, qui à son tour, en 1920, donna le manuscrit et les archives familiales aux Archives cantonales vaudoises.
Italiano: Questo Libro d’ore all’uso di Parigi contiene una grande quantità di preghiere a uso privato in latino e in francese, per la maggior parte inedite. Come apprendiamo dal colophon a c. 193r, è stato realizzato a Parigi nel 1421 presso il libraio Jacquet Lescuier. Committente, o forse solo acquirente, fu Jean II di Gingins, nato verso il 1385 e morto verso la fine del 1461 o all’inizio del 1462, che fece dipingere il suo stemma a c. 193v. Le miniature sono state eseguite da vari minatori, tra i quali il “Maître de Guise”, il “Maître de Bedfort” e un allievo della cerchia del “Maître de Boucicaut”. L’ultima rappresentante della famiglia di Gingins-La Sarraz lasciò in eredità il castello di La Sarraz al cognato, Henri de Mandrot, che a sua volta, nel 1920, donò il manoscritto e gli archivi di famiglia agli Archivi cantonali vodesi.

The Boucicaut Master was a French painter and illuminator who worked between 1390 and 1430. He was named after Jean II de Boucicaut, a prominent French military commander who was one of his patrons. The Master of Boucicaut is known for his exquisite illuminated manuscripts, which were highly prized by the French nobility. His style was characterised by a delicate use of colour, intricate patterns and an attention to detail unmatched by his contemporaries. Some of his most famous works include the Hours of Jean de Boucicaut, a prayer book commissioned by Jean II de Boucicaut, and the Hours of Simon de Varie, a devotional book created for Simon de Varie, a French nobleman. The work of the Master of Boucicaut had a major influence on the development of French art in the late Middle Ages and early Renaissance. His manuscripts are considered some of the finest examples of illuminated manuscripts from this period and continue to be studied and admired by art historians and enthusiasts alike.







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Stundenbuch von Jean de Gingins
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