Die weltweit größte gemeinfreie Mediensuchmaschine
Catalogue of a collection of paintings and some art objects, Volume III. German, French, Spanish and English paintings and art objects, Modern Paintings -  1159fea9b57fbec4c8e83d1a5e961657 (page 305)


Catalogue of a collection of paintings and some art objects, Volume III. German, French, Spanish and English paintings and art objects, Modern Paintings - 1159fea9b57fbec4c8e83d1a5e961657 (page 305)



Catalogue of a collection of paintings and some art objects, Volume III. German, French, Spanish and English paintings and art objects, Modern Paintings. Annotated by Hamilton Bell. Missing pages.Contents: Front Matter -- German Painters XV and XVI Centuries (Pages 1 - 20) -- French Painters XV to XIX Century (Pages 21 - 38) -- Spanish Painters XV to XIX Century (Pages 39 - 50) -- English Painters XVIII and XIX Centuries (Pages 51 - 74) -- Modern Paintings (Pages 75 - 167) -- Sculptures, French, Flemish, German, English, and Italian XV and XVI Centuries (Pages 168 - 176) -- Sculptures, German, Flemish, French, Spanish and Italian XVII and XVIII Centuries (Pages 177 - 182) -- French Sculptures XIX Century (Pages 183 - 186) -- Chinese Bronzes and Porcelains, Rugs and Textiles (Pages 187 - 194) -- Italian School (Pages 195 - 203) -- Flemish School XV and XVI Centuries (Pages 204 - 206) -- Dutch and Flemish Schools XVII and XVIII Centuries (Pages 207 - 214) -- Appendix (Pages 215 - 216) -- Index of German, French, Spanish and English Painters (Pages 217 - 222) -- Illustrations, German Painters XV and XVI Centuries (Pages 227 - 256) -- Illustrations, French Painters XV and XIX Century (Pages 257 - 294) -- Illustrations, Spanish Painters XV to XIX Century (Pages 295 - 316) -- Illustrations, English Painters XVIII and XIX Centuries (Pages 317 - 346) -- Illustrations, Sculptures and Art Objects (Pages 347 - 348) -- Illustrations, Sculptures French, Flemish, German and Italian XV and XVI Centuries (Pages 349 - 366) -- Illustrations, Sculptures German, Flemish, Spanish and Italian XVII and XVIII Centuries (Pages 367 - 372) -- Illustrations, Sculptures French XIX Century (Pages 373 - 380) -- Illustrations, Chinese Bronzes and Porcelains, Rugs and Textiles (Pages 381 - 388) -- Illustrations, Addenda (Pages 389 - end).





Philadelphia Museum of Art


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