[Captain Louis Ernst von Trebra, Union officer in the 32nd Indiana Regiment, full-length portrait, standing, facing front] / Rex Mf'g Co., Chicago.
In: Adolph Metzner photograph album ..., no. 17.
The albumen silver print is a photographic printing process that was widely used in the 19th century. It involves coating paper support with a mixture of egg whites and salt, which creates a glossy surface to hold light-sensitive silver salts. The paper is then sensitized in a solution of silver nitrate, and exposed in a camera or under a negative. After exposure, the print is developed in a solution of gallic acid and silver nitrate, which reduces the silver salts to metallic silver and creates the final image. The albumen print process was widely used for commercial and fine art photography in the 19th century and produced high-quality, detailed images with a distinctive glossy finish.
Die beste Quelle für Bürgerkriegsfotos ist die US-amerikanische Library of Congress, die die Kernsammlungen originaler Bürgerkriegsdokumentationen beherbergt... Die Mehrzahl der Ambrotypen und Zinntypen sind Porträts von nicht identifizierten Fotografen von Bürgerkriegssoldaten, in erster Linie Soldaten der Union.