Bulletin - New York State Museum (1905) (14779895054)
Identifier: bulletinnewyork841905newy (find matches)
Title: Bulletin - New York State Museum
Year: 1887 (1880s)
Authors: New York State Museum New York State Museum
Subjects: Science
Publisher: Albany : New York State Education Dept
Contributing Library: Smithsonian Libraries
Digitizing Sponsor: Biodiversity Heritage Library
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e sea. The ridgeextends northeast and southwest. At its western base over-looking the Fort Edward district from the east is a terraceof glacial till rising over 120 feet above the low ground at itsbase and having a maximum elevation at the summit of about 600feet. This terrace appears to have been deposited by live iceand presumably is of somewhat earlier date than the stratifieddeposits found elsewhere on the north and west at somewhatlower levels. North of Evansville in a similar position in relation to anolder rock ridge and in nearly the same alinement a till ter-race rises from the west bank of the Moses kill with its massbetween the 500 and GOO foot contour lines. None of these deposits afford other clues to the level of thewaters which may have stood in this district subsequent to the dis-appearance of the sheet than by their negative character-^theabsence of later clnvs nnd wave marks over their surface. Tt MIDDLE THIRD OF THE GLENS FALLS QUADRANGLE ■~ X I / /■ I i ) I \ :
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THE GLEN LAKE AND OTHER SIMILAR ICE-BLOCK HOLES And the Pattens Mills TerraceScale 6250O The ■ ice-block hoh The Pattens Mill3 terrace was formed on the northern marginpart of the glacier covering the southeastern part of the area. A part of the Fort Edward outlet of Lake Vermont is shown Insoutheast corner. interval 20 feet. Ice-block holes ANCIENT WATER LEVELS OF CHAMPLAIN-HUDSON VALLEYS 143 is to be concluded from them that in this latitude neither largeglacial lakes nor the sea rose so high as the surface of thelowest of these deposits. Much more detailed study of theregion than I was able to give it in the search for water levelswill be required in order to trace out fully the limits and his-tory of the retreating ice mass of the Fort Edward region. Fort ,Edward district heloio the glacial terraces. Below themarginal terraces above described as lying about the Fort Edwarddistrict, there are several well marked types of glacial depositsand a varied topography indicative of succe
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