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British Library digitised image from page 191 of "Richard Parker; or, The Mutiny at the Nore. A romance" (11037252104)


British Library digitised image from page 191 of "Richard Parker; or, The Mutiny at the Nore. A romance" (11037252104)



Image taken from:
Title: "Richard Parker : or, The Mutiny at the Nore. A romance"
Author(s): Prest, Thomas Peckett [person]
British Library shelfmark: "Digital Store 12624.f.25"
Page: 191 (scanned page number - not necessarily the actual page number in the publication)
Place of publication: London (England)
Date of publication: 1851
Publisher: E. Lloyd
Type of resource: Monograph
Language(s): English
Physical description: 4, 524 pages, illustrations, 22 cm
Literary form: Fiction
Topics: Parker, Richard, 1767-1797 ; English fiction--19th century
Explore this item in the British Library's catalogue:
002779937 (physical copy) and 014826980 (digitised copy)
(numbers are British Library identifiers)
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- View this image as a scanned publication on the British Library's online viewer (you can download the image, selected pages or the whole book)
- Order a higher quality scanned version of this image from the British Library
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AI Findings

British Library digitised image from page 191 of 'Richard Parker; or, the Mutiny at the Nore. A naval novel.'

Nore, United Kingdom

Illustration depicting a naval scene with men engaged in conflict on a ship's deck.





British Library


public domain

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richard parker or the mutiny at the nore
Richard Parker oder die Meuterei im Norden
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