Beginnings in animal husbandry (1912) (19739192624)
Title: Beginnings in animal husbandry
Identifier: beginningsinanim01plum (find matches)
Year: 1912 (1910s)
Authors: Plumb, Charles S. (Charles Sumner), 1860-1939
Subjects: Livestock; Poultry
Publisher: St. Paul, Minn. , Webb Publishing Co.
Contributing Library: The Library of Congress
Digitizing Sponsor: The Library of Congress
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126 BEGINXIXGS IX AXIMAL HUSBAXDRY lationship of form to purpose. The qualified judge ob- tains his knowledge in two ways: first, by environment or his home surroundings; and second, by education. The average EngHsh farmer is a great lover of animals, and is usually a good judge of a beast, and his children inherit the same characteristics. It is second nature for him to meas- ure up in a logical way the weak and strong points in an animal and judge their values. Yet one may become a cap- able, efficient judge by combination of a natural admiration for animals, with systematic training in judging conformation.
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Fig. 67. Giraffes in the New York Zoological Park. Notice one in the door- way. Photograph by the author. The judge at all times should be able to compare the animal before him \\Tith what he knows to be the ideal or perfect one. The abihty to compare differs in degree. Beginners are not supposed to be as proficient as experienced men, yet time and experience add to one's quahfications. Even if one lacks to some extent the desirable quaUties to be found in a successful judge, he yet may be qualified to pass