Basel, Universitätsbibliothek, A II 3, f. 194r – Nycolaus de Lyra, Postilla super libros Iosue, Iudicum, Ruth, Esdrae, Iob
Postil on Joshua, Judges, Ruth, Esdras and Job, written in 1401 by the Freiburg priest Rüdiger Schopf, decorated with 58 half-page, partly or entirely colored pen and ink drawings.
Deutsch: Postille zu Josua, Richter, Ruth, Esdra und Hiob, geschrieben 1401 vom Freiburger Priester Rüdiger Schopf, ausgestattet mit 58 halbseitigen, teilweise oder ganz kolorierten Federzeichnungen.
Français : Annotations sur les Livres de Josué, des Juges, de Ruth, d’Esdras et de Job.
Italiano: Postille a Giosuè, Giudici, Ruth, Esdra, Giobbe, scritto nel 1401 dal prete di Friburgo Rüdiger Schopf, decorato da 58 disegni a penna che si estendono su mezza pagina, in parte o interamente colorati.
Nicholas of Lyra (also known as Nicholas de Lyra) was a 13th-century French biblical commentator and theologian. He was one of the most influential biblical exegetes of the Middle Ages, known for his comprehensive and straightforward commentary on the Bible. He was particularly noted for his focus on the literal meaning of the text and his efforts to reconcile apparent contradictions in the scriptural narrative. He is considered a pioneer of the modern historical-critical approach to biblical interpretation.
AI Findings
Nycolaus de Lyra, Postilla super totam Bibliam
Basel, Switzerland
Depicts a medieval manuscript page with illuminated script and illustrations, likely from Nicholas of Lyra's Postilla on the Bible.