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Annals of the Army of the Cumberland - comprising biographies, descriptions of departments, accounts of expeditions, skirmishes, and battles; also its police record of spies, smugglers, and prominent (14576054000)


Annals of the Army of the Cumberland - comprising biographies, descriptions of departments, accounts of expeditions, skirmishes, and battles; also its police record of spies, smugglers, and prominent (14576054000)



Identifier: annalsofarmyof00fitc (find matches)
Title: Annals of the Army of the Cumberland : comprising biographies, descriptions of departments, accounts of expeditions, skirmishes, and battles ; also its police record of spies, smugglers, and prominent rebel emissaries ... and official reports of the battle of Stone River and of the Chickamauga Campaign
Year: 1864 (1860s)
Authors: Fitch, John, of Alton (Ill.)
Subjects: United States. Army of the Cumberland Stones River, Battle of, Murfreesboro, Tenn., 1862-1863 United States -- History Civil War, 1861-1865 Regimental histories United States -- History Civil War, 1861-1865 Campaigns
Publisher: Philadelphia : J.B. Lippincott & Co.
Contributing Library: New York Public Library
Digitizing Sponsor: MSN

Text Appearing Before Image:
feelings of admiration and love thepresent commander of tlie Army of the Cumberland. THE STAFF. The staff of General Iiosccrans is composed as follows. Thebiographies of such as we have been able to obtain will be foundfollowing the list. Brig.-Gen. J. A. Gakfibi.d Chief of Staff Brig.-Gen. J. St. C. Mouton Chiif of Engrs, comdyPioneer Brigade. Col. James Baunett, 1st 0. V. AvVy ...Chief of Artillery. Col. Jos. C. McKiBBiN AddlA.D. C, A. A. I. Gcnl. Lieut.-Col. C. GouDARD....: A. A. Oenl. Lieut.-Col. A. C. Ducat A.I. Gen I. Lieut.-Col. Jno. W. Taylor Qr.M., Chief Qiiartn-maxter. Lieut.-Col. Saml Simmons C. S., Chief Commissary. Lieut.-Col. Wm. P. Heiburn, 2d Iowa Cavftlry Tnap. Cavalry. Major Wm. McMichael A. A. Genl. Miijor IIalston Skinner Judge-Advocate. Surgeon G. 1kiikin, U.S.A .Medical Director. Surgeon A. IL Thurston, U.S.V Aksi Medical Director. AsBt.-Surg. Dallas Bacue, U.S. A Staff Surgeon, Aijst.-Surg. Jas. F. Weeds, U.S.A Medical Inspector. (SEWl- K^Sge^r, ^ifl -^ COL^ con
Text Appearing After Image:
^^ CO^ A.C- ^^ ETig?-tyJ.C.Buttre. /W^,. ,^, ^, ,,^ ,u^- ©yiiEF ®m€i5ts ®r sT^rr^ BRIGADIER-GENERAL GARFIELD. 41 Major W. H. Sidell, 15th Inf. U.S.A...^. A. G., and Chief Mustering and Dis-bursing Officer.Major \V. M. AViles, 44th Ind. Yo\s. ...Provost-Marshal General Major Frank S. Bond Senior Aide-de-Camp. Capt. J. H. Young, 15th Inf. U.S.A Mustering Officer. Capt. J. C. Peterson, 15th Inf. \).&.h....A. A.I. G. Capt. Henry Thrall A.A.G. Capt. J. Bates Dickson A. A. GenH. Capt. James Curtis, 15th Inf. U.S.A....4. J../. G. Capt. A. S. Burt Addl A. D.C., A. A. I. G. Capt. Hunter Brooke Addl A.D. C, Acting Judge-Advocate. Capt. W. M. Warren A. Q.M., In chargeof Army Supply Trains, Capt. Elias Cosper, 74th 111. Vols 1st Asst Provost-Marshal Genl. Capt. R. M. Goodwin, 37th Ind. Vols...2d Asst Provost-Marshal Genl.Capt. G. S. Hubbard, 88th 111. Yols....Acting Asst Inspector-General. Capt. C. R. Thompson Addl A.D. C, A.D. C. Capt. Horace Porter Ordnance U.S.A., Chief Ord. Officer.





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