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A history of the British sea-anemones and corals (1860) (14595136178)


A history of the British sea-anemones and corals (1860) (14595136178)



1. Phellia gausapata, 2. P. murocincta, 3. Gregoria fenestrata, 4. Bunodes coronata, 5.-6. Edwardsia carnea, 7. E. callimorpha
Identifier: historyofbritish00goss (find matches)
Title: A history of the British sea-anemones and corals
Year: 1860 (1860s)
Authors: Gosse, Philip Henry, 1810-1888
Subjects: Sea anemones -- Great Britain Corals -- Great Britain Ctenophora -- Great Britain Cnidaria -- Great Britain
Publisher: London : Van Voorst
Contributing Library: MBLWHOI Library
Digitizing Sponsor: MBLWHOI Library

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of them inhabit tubes, which may be membranousand free, as in Cerianthus; membranous and investingepidermically, as in Edv;ardsia ; or mere burrows in thesand or mud, as in Halcampa, Peachia, and Ilyanthus.Most of them have the habit of distending the hinder partof the column with water, assuming the form of a blownbladder. A remarkably vigorous and spasmodic contractility inthis family indicates a more intense muscular force, andpoints to a higher physiological rank, than the precedingfamilies possess. Q 2 228 ANALYSIS OF THE GENERA. Tentacles of one kind, marginal.Column thick, pear-shaped. Mouth with a papillate gonidial tube Peachia. Mouth simple Ilyanthus. Column slender, long, worm-shaped. Invested with an epidermis Edwardsia. Without an epidermis ITalcam/pa. Tentacles of two kinds, marginal and gular. Naked; freely swimming Arachnactis. Dwelling in a membranous tube ; sedentary. Column inferiorly perforate Cerianthus. Column interiorly imperforate (Not British) . . Saccanthus.
Text Appearing After Image:
229 GENUS I. ILYANTIIUS (Forbes). Column pear-shaped, tapering to a blunt point atthe inferior extremity, which is probably perforated.*Surface smooth, without suckers, warts, or loopholes. Tentacles of one kind only, marginal, numerous(i. e. exceeding thirty). Mouth of the ordinary form, with no prominentgonidial development. * There is no evidence on this point with respect to our two Britishspecies. Dr. Kelaart, in his Description of Ceylon Zoophytes, speakingof a species, which he has done me the honour to name Peachia Gossei, butwhich is evidently an Ilyanthus, says that it has an inferior orifice, largeenough to admit a moderate sized probe, which gives passage to ova andexcremeutitious matter. (Trans. Roy. Asiatic Soc. ; Ceylon Branch.) AXALYSI3 OF BRITISH SPECIES. Tentacles slender, filiform, long; lined Scoticus. Tentacles thick, conical, short; banded Mitchellii. ASTRJEACEA. ILYANTHIDJS. THE SCOTTISH PEARLET. Ilyanthus Scoticus. Specific Character. Tentacles slender, filifor





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