127mm Kanonen an Bord der USS Enterprise (CV-6) während einer Schießübung, 4. März 1942 (80-G-16954)
Kanonen des Kalibers 127mm (5 Zoll) 38 feuern bei einem simulierten Torpedoangriff während einer Schießübung an Bord des Flugzeugträgers USS Enterprise (CV-6) der US-Marine am 4. März 1942 auf eine Zieldrohne.
A very large dataset of various big guns, howitzers, mortars, columbiads, all types of canon-like things - everything besides machine guns and rockets. This collection as well as all massive collections on Picryl.com required two steps: First, we picked a set to train AI vision to recognize cannon artillery, and after that, ran all 25M+ images in our database through our image recognition network. All media in the collection is in the public domain. There is no limitation on the dataset usage - educational, scientific, or commercial.