Portrait of a man - Daguerreotype, Public domain
Portrait of a man The daguerreotype method of the photographic process was invented by Louis Daguerre in the 1830s. It was the first photographic process and it was widely used in the mid-19th century. The pro... More
[Charles Edwin West, head-and-shoulders portrait, facing front]
President of Rutger's College. Scratched on face of plate: 4; West. Scratched on back of plate: 168; West, Rutgers Ins. NY. Transfer; U.S. War College; 1920. (DLC/PP-1920:46153). Forms part of: Daguerreotype co... More
[Edwin Forrest, head-and-shoulders portrait, nearly in profile to the ...
Actor. Public domain photograph of 19th-century daguerreotype portrait, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
[Unidentified man, about 50 years of age, head-and-shoulders portrait,...
Written in pencil on back of plate: 506(X). Transfer; U.S. War College; 1920; (DLC/PP-1920:46153). Forms part of: Daguerreotype collection (Library of Congress). Produced by Mathew Brady's studio.
[Unidentified man, head-and-shoulders portrait, slightly to the right]
Scratched on back of plate: 315. Hallmark: Rinhart 46. Transfer; U.S. War College; 1920; (DLC/PP-1920:46153). Forms part of: Daguerreotype collection (Library of Congress). Produced by Mathew Brady's studio.
[Unidentified man, half-length portrait, facing three-quarters to the ...
Alternative identification: Alexander Hamilton Stephens; A.H. Stephenson (cat. 5). Scratched on face of plate: 274; A.H. Stephens. Scratched on back of plate: 118; A.H. Stevenson, Va. Transfer; U.S. War College... More
Half portrait of a girl with plaits.
Half portrait of a girl with plaits. The daguerreotype method of the photographic process was invented by Louis Daguerre in the 1830s. It was the first photographic process and it was widely used in the mid-19... More
Unidentified Child - Daguerreotype, Public domain
Accession Number: 1974:0193:0658..Maker: Southworth & Hawes (American Active ca. 1845-1861)..Title: Unidentified Child..Date: ca. 1850..Medium: daguerreotype..Dimensions: sixth plate; 8.3 x 7.0 cm...George Eas... More
[Max Maretzek, half-length portrait, slightly to left, head three-quar...
Scratched on face of plate: 31. Scratched on back of plate: 65; 68. Hallmark: [asterisk] Identification provided by Owen Blevins (12/2012) based on a portrait published in "Teresa Parodi and the Italian Opera" ... More
Alice Mary Hawes - Daguerreotype, Public domain
Accession Number: 1974:0193:0666..Maker: Southworth & Hawes..Title: Alice Mary Hawes..Date: ca. 1852..Medium: daguerreotype..Dimensions: sixth plate; 8.2 x 7.0 cm...George Eastman House Collection.1974:0193:066... More
[Portrait of George Burtis Lee, seated with arm resting on table with ...
Case: Mixed flowers surrounded by a border of flowers and leaves. Text from velvet pad: Newcomer's Gallery 308 N. 2nd St. Phil'a. Paper pinned to velvet pad: Dec. 18h 1855 G.B. Lee. Purchase; 2008; (DLC/PP-200... More
Josiah Johnson Hawes - Gentian Path, Mount Auburn Cemetery
Accession Number: 1974:0193:0107..Maker: Southworth & Hawes (American Active ca. 1845-1861)..Title: Gentian Path, Mount Auburn Cemetery..Date: ca. 1853..Medium: daguerreotype..Dimensions: whole plate, 21.5 X 1... More
[Solon Borland, half-length portrait, facing three-quarters left]
Democratic Senator from Arkansas, 1848-1853. Identification from woodcut in Gleason's Pictorial, March 5, 1853, page 152. Scratched on back of plate: 130; Sen. Borland, Arkansas. Transfer; U.S. War College; 192... More
[Occupational portrait of a peddler, full-length, standing, facing fro...
Case: plain leather, push button. Stamped on mat: Myers. Purchase/exchange; Gary Vroegindewey; 1981; (DLC/PP-1981:380R.11). Forms part of: Daguerreotype collection (Library of Congress). Exhibited: "Rufus Porte... More
[Henry Peters Gray, half-length portrait, head three-quarters to left]
Artist. Alternative identifications: Washington Irving; Henry Peter Grey. Scratched on back of plate: 41; H.P. Gray. Hallmark: AB. Transfer; U.S. War College; 1920; (DLC/PP-1920:46153). Forms part of: Daguerreo... More
[Cassius Marcellus Clay, half-length portrait, three-quarters to the r...
U.S. Minister to Russia. Scratched on back of plate: Cassius M. Clay. Column in background indicates could possibly be by Southworth and Hawes. Transfer; U.S. War College; 1920; (DLC/PP-1920:46153). Forms part ... More
Portrait of a young man in uniform, seated, resting his left arm on a ...
Portrait of a young man in uniform, seated, resting his left arm on a table, in left hand holding a white glove. The tablocloth is decorated with floral and ornamental motif.
Portrait of an officer, seated, in front of a painted background imita...
Portrait of an officer, seated, in front of a painted background imitating a drapery
portrait a man with a child - Public domain portrait
portrait a man with a child The daguerreotype method of the photographic process was invented by Louis Daguerre in the 1830s. It was the first photographic process and it was widely used in the mid-19th centur... More
[James Duncan, three-quarters to the right, in military uniform]
Colonel, U.S. Army. Alternative identification: Col. Joseph Duncan, Illinois. Scratched on back of plate: 328; Col. Duncan. Written in pencil on back of plate: Col. James Duncan. Hallmark: 40. Identification fr... More
[John Van Buren, half-length portrait, three-quarters to left]
Democratic congressman from New York, 1841-1843; son of President Martin Van Buren. Scratched on back of plate: 75; 133. Hallmark: [asterisk] Transfer; U.S. War College; 1920. (DLC/PP-1920:46153). Forms part of... More
[Unidentified man, about 45 years of age, half-length portrait, facing...
Scratched on back of plate: 8. Transfer; U.S. War College; 1920; (DLC/PP-1920:46153). Forms part of: Daguerreotype collection (Library of Congress). Produced by Mathew Brady's studio.
[Unidentified man, about 55 years of age, head-and-shoulders portrait,...
Scratched on back of plate: 89. Hallmark: Rinhart 9. Transfer; U.S. War College; 1920; (DLC/PP-1920:46153). Forms part of: Daguerreotype collection (Library of Congress). Produced by Mathew Brady's studio.
[Henry L. Abbot, half-length portrait, facing left]
Case: variant of Rinhart 131. Label in case: Henry L. Abbot at Boston Pub. Latin Sch. No electronic surrogate available. Transfer; Manuscript Division (Henry L. Abbot family papers); 2004; (DLC/PP-2004:044). Fo... More
Unidentified Man coat of arms - Victorian era public domain image
Accession Number: 1974:0193:0662..Maker: Southworth & Hawes..Title: Unidentified Man..Date: ca. 1850..Medium: daguerreotype..Dimensions: sixth plate; 8.2 x 7.0 cm...George Eastman House Collection.1974:0193:066... More
Casette in sleeve adjustable as a stand.
Casette in sleeve adjustable as a stand. Public domain photograph of 19th-century daguerreotype portrait, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Unidentified Woman - Daguerreotype, Public domain
Accession Number: 1974:0193:0172..Maker: Southworth & Hawes..Title: Unidentified Woman..Date: ca. 1850..Medium: daguerreotype..Dimensions: whole plate, 21.5 X 16.5 cm...George Eastman House Collection.1974:0193... More
Unidentified Girl - Daguerreotype, Public domain
Accession Number: 1974:0193:0022..Maker: Southworth & Hawes..Title: Unidentified Girl..Date: ca. 1850..Medium: daguerreotype..Dimensions: whole plate; 21.6 x 16.5 cm...George Eastman House Collection.1974:0193:... More
[George Lippard, head and shoulders portrait, facing left]
In plain leather case. Label adhered to case: "31." Purchase; Marian S. Carson; 1998; (DLC/PP-1998:151.11). Forms part of: Daguerreotype collection (Library of Congress). Forms part of: Marian S. Carson collect... More
Winchester Family Tomb, Mount Auburn Cemetery
Accession Number: 1974:0193:0012..Maker: Southworth & Hawes..Title: Winchester Family Tomb, Mount Auburn Cemetery..Date: ca. 1853..Medium: daguerreotype..Dimensions: whole plate; 21.5 X 16.6 cm...George Eastman... More
[Mabel Hubbard, half-length portrait of a girl, facing front, seated]
Photographer unidentified. Case: back only, plain leather. Accompanying note: Mabel G. Hubbard. Transfer; Manuscript Division; 1975; (DLC/PP-1975:199). Forms part of: Gilbert H. Grosvenor collection of Photogra... More
[Unidentified woman, head-and-shoulders portrait, facing left]
Case: Mixed flowers surrounded by scrolls. Barboza number: 6019.034. Stamped on brass mat: Ball & Thomas, 120 W 4th St. Cin. O. Purchase; Anthony Barboza; 1999; (DLC/PP-1999:022). Forms part of: Daguerreotype c... More
[Mary Todd Lincoln, wife of Abraham Lincoln. Three-quarter length port...
Attribution to Nicolas H. Shepherd based on similarity to daguerreotype of Lincoln received as a pair with this portrait. Hallmark: Rinhart 46. Case: variant of Rinhart 219. Facing the light / H. Pfister. Wash... More
[Jane Roberts, three-quarter length portrait of a woman, full face]
Wife of President of Liberia, Joseph Jenkins Roberts. Case: back only, diamond in geometric design. Was part of LOT 8554. Label taped on back of case: Mrs. Prest. Roberts. This is a copy daguerreotype. Anson wa... More
[Unidentified man, head-and-shoulders portrait, facing front]
Case: back only - zigzag design. Barboza number: 6019.027. Stamped on brass mat: J. P. Ball, Cincinnati. Purchase; Anthony Barboza; 1999; (DLC/PP-1999:022). Forms part of: Daguerreotype collection (Library of Congress).
Portrait of unknown man. - Public domain portrait print
Portrait of unknown man. The daguerreotype method of the photographic process was invented by Louis Daguerre in the 1830s. It was the first photographic process and it was widely used in the mid-19th century. ... More
[George Edmund Badger, half-length portrait, facing three-quarters to ...
Whig Senator from North Carolina, 1846-1855; U.S. Secretary of the Navy, 1841.
[Unidentified woman, about 35 years of age, half-length portrait, slig...
Scratched on face of plate: 168. Scratched on back of plate: 25 [canceled]; 154. Hallmark : unidentified. Transfer; U.S. War College; 1920; (DLC/PP-1920:46153). Forms part of: Daguerreotype collection (Library ... More
[Unidentified man, head-and-shoulders portrait, facing slightly right]
Scratched on back of plate: 379. Transfer; U.S. War College; 1920; (DLC/PP-1920:46153). Forms part of: Daguerreotype collection (Library of Congress). Produced by Mathew Brady's studio.
[Unidentified woman, about 25 years of age, half-length portrait, thre...
Scratched on face of plate: 174. Scratched on back of plate: 116 [canceled]; 125. Corners trimmed. Transfer; U.S. War College; 1920; (DLC/PP-1920:46153). Forms part of: Daguerreotype collection (Library of Con... More
[Two unidentified girls, about three and five years of age, the younge...
Scratched on back of plate: 98. Hallmark: [paschal lamb] 40 [Upside down A] Transfer; U.S. War College; 1920; (DLC/PP-1920:46153). Forms part of: Daguerreotype collection (Library of Congress). Produced by Math... More
[Unidentified woman, about 25 years of age, half-length portrait, thre...
Transfer; U.S. War College; 1920; (DLC/PP-1920:46153). Forms part of: Daguerreotype collection (Library of Congress). Produced by Mathew Brady's studio.
Unidentified Man - Daguerreotype, Public domain
Accession Number: 1974:0193:0648..Maker: Southworth & Hawes..Title: Unidentified Man..Date: ca. 1850..Medium: daguerreotype..Dimensions: sixth plate; 8.2 x 7.0 cm...George Eastman House Collection.1974:0193:064... More
Unidentified Mother & Child - Victorian era public domain image
Accession Number: 1974:0193:0665..Maker: Southworth & Hawes..Title: Unidentified Mother & Child..Date: ca. 1850..Medium: daguerreotype..Dimensions: sixth plate; 8.2 x 6.9 cm...George Eastman House Collection.19... More
Mother of Josiah Johnson Hawes (?)
Accession Number: 1974:0193:0673..Maker: Southworth & Hawes..Title: Mother of Josiah Johnson Hawes (?)..Date: ca. 1850..Medium: daguerreotype..Dimensions: sixth plate; 8.2 x 7.0 cm...George Eastman House Collec... More
Calvin Ellis Stowe - Daguerreotype, Public domain
Accession Number: 1974:0193:0126..Maker: Southworth & Hawes..Title: Calvin Ellis Stowe..Date: ca. 1850..Medium: daguerreotype..Dimensions: whole plate; 21.7 x 16.7 cm...George Eastman House Collection.1974:0193... More
Unidentified Woman - Daguerreotype, Public domain
Accession Number: 1974:0193:0652..Maker: Southworth & Hawes..Title: Unidentified Woman..Date: ca. 1850..Medium: daguerreotype..Dimensions: sixth plate; 8.1 x 6.9 cm...George Eastman House Collection.1974:0193:0... More
Portrait of a girl en face, seated, wearing handbag and flower in hair...
Portrait of a girl en face, seated, wearing handbag and flower in hair, resting her right arm on a table, next to a hat.
Unidentified Child - Daguerreotype, Public domain
Accession Number: 1974:0193:0661..Maker: Southworth & Hawes..Title: Unidentified Child..Date: ca. 1850..Medium: daguerreotype..Dimensions: sixth plate; 8.3 x 7.0 cm...George Eastman House Collection.1974:0193:0... More
Unidentified Man - Daguerreotype, Public domain
Accession Number: 1974:0193:0691..Maker: Southworth & Hawes..Title: Unidentified Man..Date: ca. 1852..Medium: daguerreotype..Dimensions: sixth plate; 8.3 x 7.0 cm...George Eastman House Collection.1974:0193:069... More
[Unidentified woman, half-length portrait, seated, wearing mitts and s...
Public domain scan of portrait art print, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
[George Edmund Badger, half-length portrait, facing three-quarters to ...
Whig Senator from North Carolina, 1846-1855; U.S. Secretary of the Navy, 1841. Hallmark: 40M. Scratched on back of plate: 107. Transfer; U.S. War College; 1920; (DLC/PP-1920:46153). Forms part of: Daguerreotype... More
[James Gordon Bennett, three-quarter length portrait, three-quarters t...
Editor of the New York Herald. Scratched on face of plate: 84. Scratched on back of plate: 188; 271 [canceled] Hallmark: Rinhart 9. Identification from engraving by Jourdan in United States Democratic Review, N... More
[Unidentified woman, half-length portrait, wearing gloves]
Case: Rinhart 91. Purchase; Anthony Barboza; 1999; (DLC/PP-1999:022). Forms part of: Daguerreotype collection (Library of Congress).
Half-figure portrait of a man, wearing a cloroured necktie
Half-figure portrait of a man, wearing a cloroured necktie The daguerreotype method of the photographic process was invented by Louis Daguerre in the 1830s. It was the first photographic process and it was wid... More
[Eunice Fiske Durfee, three-quarter length portrait of a woman, facing...
Case: variant of Rinhart 131. Accompanying note: Eunice Fisk Durfee, mother of Jane Maria, the mother of Harrison Grey Fiske (Harry's grandmother). Stamped on brass mat: Cooley, Springfield. Transfer; Manuscrip... More
[Unidentified man, about 30 years of age, half-length portrait, nearly...
Scratched on face of plate: 155. Scratched on back of plate: 289. Transfer; U.S. War College; 1920; (DLC/PP-1920:46153). Forms part of: Daguerreotype collection (Library of Congress). Produced by Mathew Brady's studio.
[Judge Ogden Edwards, head-and-shoulders portrait, three-quarters to t...
Alternative identifications: Henry Pierrepont Edward. Scratched on face of plate: 209; Judge Edwa[ards] Copy daguerreotype. Identification from portrait in the P&P Biographical File per information received fro... More
[Unidentified woman, half length portrait, seated with left arm restin...
Case: Rinhart 141. Barboza number: 6019.032. Stamped on brass mat: J. P. Ball, Cincinnati. Date based upon address of photographer. Purchase; Anthony Barboza; 1999; (DLC/PP-1999:022). Forms part of: Daguerreoty... More
[Unidentified man and woman, three-quarters length portrait, seated]
Case: flowers surrounded by scrolls. Barboza number: 6019.022. Stamped on brass mat: J. P. Ball, Cincinnati. Purchase; Anthony Barboza; 1999; (DLC/PP-1999:022). Forms part of: Daguerreotype collection (Library ... More
Portrait of a woman, seated, resting her right arm on a table, red col...
Portrait of a woman, seated, resting her right arm on a table, red coloured cheeks.
Unidentified Woman - Daguerreotype, Public domain
Accession Number: 1974:0193:0075..Maker: Southworth & Hawes..Title: Unidentified Woman..Date: ca. 1850..Medium: daguerreotype with applied color..Dimensions: whole plate; 21.6 x 16.5 cm...George Eastman House C... More
[Mary H. Lee, half-length portrait, seated, holding a book]
Public domain scan of portrait art print, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Unidentified Child - Daguerreotype, Public domain
Accession Number: 1974:0193:0195..Maker: Southworth & Hawes..Title: Unidentified Child..Date: ca. 1850..Medium: daguerreotype..Dimensions: sixth plate; 7.0 x 5.7 cm. , (domed top)..George Eastman House Collecti... More
Unidentified Woman - Daguerreotype, Public domain
Accession Number: 1974:0193:0644..Maker: Southworth & Hawes..Title: Unidentified Woman..Date: ca. 1852..Medium: daguerreotype..Dimensions: sixth plate; 8.3 x 7.0 cm...George Eastman House Collection.1974:0193:0... More
Unidentified Mother & Child - Victorian era public domain image
Accession Number: 1974:0193:0646..Maker: Southworth & Hawes..Title: Unidentified Mother & Child..Date: ca. 1850..Medium: daguerreotype..Dimensions: sixth plate; 8.3 x 7.0 cm...George Eastman House Collection.19... More
Unidentified Child - Daguerreotype, Public domain
Accession Number: 1974:0193:0651..Maker: Southworth & Hawes..Title: Unidentified Child..Date: ca. 1850..Medium: daguerreotype..Dimensions: sixth plate; 8.3 x 6.9 cm...George Eastman House Collection.1974:0193:0... More
[Augusta Currie Bradhurst Field, head-and-shoulders portrait of a woma...
Case: scroll design with central oval motif. Accompanying note: 9 118 East 25th St. 1854 - 8 yrs. old Gussie Bradhurst ? Field. Augusta C. Bradhurst #9. Stamped on brass mat: Quinby 385 Broadway. Gift; Family o... More
Portrait photo of [Couple seated] - Daguerreotype, Public domain
Picryl description: Public domain vintage artistic photograph, free to use, no copyright restrictions image.
[Maria Boyd holding a weaving shuttle, half-length portrait, facing fr...
Maria Boyd is listed as a 29 year-old weaver in the 1860 Federal Census, in Warwick, Rhode Island. Case: circle and leaf motif; paper label inside case: Maria Boyd. Purchase; 2006; (DLC/PP-2006:014). Forms par... More
[George Washington Parke Custis, half-length portrait, three-quarters ...
Builder and original owner of Arlington House, later the Lee Mansion, Arlington (Va.); author, historian, artist (painter). Identification from The Atlas, August 26, 1849, p. 1. Scratched on back of plate: 207;... More
[Howell Cobb, half-length portrait, facing front]
Democratic Congressman from Georgia, 1843-1851, 1855-1857; Governor of Georgia, 1851-1853; U.S. Secretary of the Treasury, 1857-1860.
[G.P.A. Healy, half-length portrait, facing front]
Artist (portrait painter). Likeness resembles that of an original photograph labeled Healy, Wm., in the Hoxie collection, Library of Congress, and the engraving in National Encycl. of Amer. Biography. Manuscrip... More
[Urias A. McGill, half-length portrait, facing front]
Was part of LOT 8554. Case: double case, red velvet with brass leaves at corners; also houses DAG no. 1029. Stamped on brass mat: A. Washington 136 Main St. Hartford Ct. Accompanying hand-written note: Urias Mc... More
[George Perkins Marsh family. Marsh seated beside a table with tablecl...
George Perkins Marsh was a Whig Congressman from Vermont, 1843-1849, U.S. Minister to Turkey and Italy. Caroline Crane Marsh: Marsh's second wife, writer. Lucy Crane: sister of Caroline Crane Marsh. Scratched o... More
[Emily Everett Abbot and Mary Susan Everett Abbot]
Label in case: Momma and Aunt Emmy. Hallmark: OVILL MFG'C. No electronic surrogate available. Transfer; Manuscript Division (Henry L. Abbot family papers); 2004; (DLC/PP-2004:044). Forms part of: Daguerreotype ... More
Portrait of a young man - Public domain portrait print
Portrait of a young man Public domain photograph - 19th-century studio portrait photo, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
[Clark sisters, five women, three-quarter length portraits, all facing...
Grandmother and aunts of photographer Frances Benjamin Johnston. Photographer unidentified. Hallmark: 40. Case: Rinhart 63. Accompanying note in case on stationery of the Arts Club of Washington, in handwriting... More
group portrait - Daguerreotype, Public domain
group portrait The daguerreotype method of the photographic process was invented by Louis Daguerre in the 1830s. It was the first photographic process and it was widely used in the mid-19th century. The proces... More
[A. Oakey Hall, half-length portrait, three-quarters to right, eyes fr...
Mayor of New York City. Identification from engraving of a later photograph by Sarony in Daily graphic, March 31, 1883, p. 221. Scratched on back of plate: 109; Oakey Hall. Transfer; U.S. War College; 1920; (DL... More
[Unidentified man, head-and-shoulders portrait, facing front]
Alternative identifications: Henry Dodge, U.S. Senator from Wisconsin; John Jordan Crittendon. Scratched on back of plate: 10; Hon. John J. Crittenden. Written in pencil on back of plate: Henry Dodge. Transfer;... More
[Anna Bishop, three-quarter length portrait, facing slightly right, se...
In oval brass mat. Identified by Owen Blevins 8/2014 based on similar daguerreotype of Bishop in the Harvard Theatre Collection. Alternative identification: Jenny Lind. Transfer; U.S. War College; 1920; (DLC/PP... More
[Unidentified man, head-and-shoulders portrait, three-quarters to the ...
Scratched on back of plate: 338. Transfer; U.S. War College; 1920; (DLC/PP-1920:46153). Forms part of: Daguerreotype collection (Library of Congress). Produced by Mathew Brady's studio.
Unidentified Woman - Daguerreotype, Public domain
Accession Number: 1974:0193:0642..Maker: Southworth & Hawes..Title: Unidentified Woman..Date: ca. 1850..Medium: daguerreotype..Dimensions: sixth plate; 8.3 x 7.0 cm...George Eastman House Collection.1974:0193:0... More
Unidentified Woman - Daguerreotype, Public domain
Accession Number: 1974:0193:0072..Maker: Southworth & Hawes..Title: Unidentified Woman..Date: ca. 1850..Medium: daguerreotype with applied color..Dimensions: whole plate; 21.6 x 16.5 cm...George Eastman House C... More
Unidentified Woman - Daguerreotype, Public domain
Accession Number: 1974:0193:0632..Maker: Southworth & Hawes..Title: Unidentified Woman..Date: ca. 1850..Medium: daguerreotype..Dimensions: whole plate; 21.6 x 16.4 cm...George Eastman House Collection.1974:0193... More
Unidentified Mother & Child - Public domain portrait print
Accession Number: 1974:0193:0669..Maker: Southworth & Hawes (American Active ca. 1845-1861)..Title: Unidentified Mother & Child..Date: ca. 1850..Medium: daguerreotype..Dimensions: sixth plate; 8.2 x 6.9 cm...G... More
Portrait of a smiling woman, sitting next to a balcony railing and hol...
Portrait of a smiling woman, sitting next to a balcony railing and holding a little child on her lap. Woman is wearing a hat with a veil.
Unidentified Man - Daguerreotype, Public domain
Accession Number: 1974:0193:0124..Maker: Southworth & Hawes..Title: Unidentified Man..Date: ca. 1850..Medium: daguerreotype..Dimensions: whole plate; 21.6 x 16.5 cm...George Eastman House Collection.1974:0193:0... More
Unidentified Woman - Daguerreotype, Public domain
Accession Number: 1974:0193:0678..Maker: Southworth & Hawes..Title: Unidentified Woman..Date: ca. 1850..Medium: daguerreotype..Dimensions: sixth plate; 8.2 x 6.8 cm...George Eastman House Collection.1974:0193:0... More
Unidentified Woman - Daguerreotype, Public domain
Accession Number: 1974:0193:0681..Maker: Southworth & Hawes..Title: Unidentified Woman..Date: ca. 1850..Medium: daguerreotype..Dimensions: sixth plate; 8.3 x 7.0 cm...George Eastman House Collection.1974:0193:0... More
Josiah Johnson Hawes - Four Unidentified Women
Accession Number: 1974:0193:0002..Maker: Southworth & Hawes..Title: Four Unidentified Women..Date: ca. 1850..Medium: daguerreotype..Dimensions: whole plate; 21.6 x 16.5 cm...George Eastman House Collection.1974... More
Unidentified Woman - Daguerreotype, Public domain
Accession Number: 1974:0193:0050..Maker: Southworth & Hawes..Title: Unidentified Woman..Date: ca. 1855..Medium: daguerreotype..Dimensions: whole plate, (21.6 x 16.5 cm.)..George Eastman House Collection.1974:01... More
[Mabel Hubbard Gardiner Bell as a girl, half-length portrait, facing f...
Photographer unidentified. Hallmark: Rinhart 20a. Case: plain leather, push button. Transfer; Manuscript Division; 1975; (DLC/PP-1975:199). Forms part of: Gilbert H. Grosvenor collection of Photographs of the A... More
Andrew Jackson in his last days / engraved by T. Doney, N.Y.
Photograph showing Andrew Jackson, half length portrait, seated, facing left. On recto: Engraved by T. Doney, N.Y. Printed by J. Neale. Engraved for the Democratic Review. From a Daguerreotype by Anthony Edwards & Co.
Portrait of two girls in striped costumes, smiling, standing in a danc...
Portrait of two girls in striped costumes, smiling, standing in a dance posture, each holding one arm over her head
Portrait of three children - Public domain portrait print
Portrait of three children Public domain photograph of 19th-century portrait, child, children, infant, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Portrait of a little girl. Creator unknown, undated.
Portrait of a little girl. Creator unknown, undated. Public domain photograph of 19th-century daguerreotype portrait, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
[Unidentified woman holding book, with books on table to her right]
Case: geometric design. Barboza number: 6019.056. Purchase; Anthony Barboza; 1999; (DLC/PP-1999:022). Forms part of: Daguerreotype collection (Library of Congress).
[Unidentified woman, about 60 years of age, full-length portrait, faci...
Scratched on face of plate: 178. Scratched on back of plate: 80; 90. Transfer; U.S. War College; 1920; (DLC/PP-1920:46153). Forms part of: Daguerreotype collection (Library of Congress). Produced by Mathew Bra... More