Origin of Marshall Space Flight Center (MSFC) - Wernher von Braun
(From left to right) Karl L. Heimburg, Director of the Test Laboratory; Dr. Wernher von Braun, Director of the Development Operation Division; and Major General John B. Medaris with the model of S-1B Test Stand... More
Wernher von Braun, America Space Program
Dr. von Braun with a model of a V2 rocket. Public domain photograph related to World War Two, National Socialism, The Third Reich, Europe under Nazi occupation, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - P... More
X-2 After Drop from B-50 Mothership
(1955) The Bell Aircraft Company X-2 (46-674) drops away from its Boeing B-50 mothership in this photo. Lt. Col. Frank "Pete" Everest piloted 674 on its first unpowered flight on August 5 1954. He made the firs... More
Wernher von Braun in the Launch Complex Control Center during the laun...
This profile of Dr. von Braun was taken in the Launch Complex Control Center at the Kennedy Space Center in Florida during the launch of Saturn I vehicle (SA-8) on May 25, 1965.
Origin of Marshall Space Flight Center (MSFC)
The German Rocket Team, also known as the Von Braun Rocket Team, poses for a group photograph at Fort Bliss, Texas. After World War II ended in 1945, Dr. Wernher von Braun led some 120 of his Peenemuende Collea... More
NASA officials, (left to right) Charles W. Mathews; Dr. Wernher von Br...
NASA officials, (left to right) Charles W. Mathews; Dr. Wernher von Braun, Director, Marshall Space Flight Center (MSFC); Dr. George E. Mueller, Associate Administrator for Marned Space Flight; and Air Force Lt... More
Wernher von Braun tried out a floating platform in the Marshall Space ...
Dr. von Braun tried out a floating platform in the Marshall Space Flight Center Manufacturing Engineering Laboratory. This was a test rig to help determine how future astronauts will be able to perform maintena... More
Early Rockets V2 static test. NASA public domain image colelction.
A V-2 rocket is hoisted into a static test facility at White Sands, New Mexico. The German engineers and scientists who developed the V-2 came to the United States at the end of World War II and continued rocke... More
Maria von Braun, wife of Wernher von Braun
This is a portrait of Maria von Braun, wife of the famous Marshall Space Flight Center (MSFC) director Wernher von Braun. Her husband, Wernher, who led America to the Moon, served as MSFC’s first director fro... More
Origin of Marshall Space Flight Center (MSFC)
Five pioneers pose with scale models of their missiles they created in the 1950s. From left to right: Dr. Ernst Stuhlinger, a member of the original German rocket team who directed the Research Projects Office,... More
Wernher von Braun, America Space Program
Dr. von Braun watches the Saturn 1 (SA-1) launch through a scope from the blockhouse 34 on October 27, 1961. The SA-1 was the first launch of Saturn launch vehicles developed at the Marshall Space Flight Center... More
Wernher von Braun awaits the launch of the Saturn I vehicle
In this photo, Dr. von Braun anxiously awaits the launch of the Saturn I vehicle (SA-8) in the Launch Complex Control Center at the Kennedy Space Center in Florida on May 25, 1965. The SA-8 mission made the fir... More
Saturn Apollo Program, NASA history collection
This historical photograph is of the Apollo Space Program Leaders. An inscription appears at the top of the image that states, “Our deep appreciation for your outstanding contribution to the success of Apollo ... More
Wernher von Braun, NASA history collection
Dr. von Braun stands beside a model of the upper stage (Earth-returnable stage) of the three-stage launch vehicle built for the series of the motion picture productions of space flight produced by Walt Disney i... More
Wernher von Braun views a demonstration of a simulated spacecraft
Edward O. Buckbee, the first Director of the Alabama Space Science Center (left), and Dr. Wernher von Braun (right) view a demonstration of a simulated spacecraft which uses an actual hybrid rocket engine for l... More
Wernher von Braun during his visit to the Huntsville Boy's Club
Dr. Wernher von Braun during his visit to the Huntsville Boy's Club on August 14, 1961.
Wernher von Braun, America Space Program
Dr. von Braun and Dr. Ernst Stuhlinger at the Observatory of the Rocket City Astronomical Association in 1956.
Wernher von Braun, America Space Program
Dr. Wernher von Braun served as Marshall Space Flight Center's first director from July 1, 1960 until January 27, 1970, when he was appointed NASA Deputy Associate Administrator for Plarning. Following World Wa... More
Wernher von Braun and Dr. Debus, Director of the Launch Operations Cen...
Dr. von Braun, Director of the Marshall Space Flight Center (MSFC), and Dr. Debus, Director of the Launch Operations Center, at Complex 34 prior to the Launch of the SA-4 (the fourth flight of Saturn I), March ... More
Early Rockets - A-4 (Aggregate-4) rocket. Later renamed the V-2 (Venge...
The cutaway drawing of the A-4 (Aggregate-4) rocket. Later renamed the V-2 (Vengeance Weapon-2), The rocket was developed by Dr. Wernher von Braun and the German rocket team at Peenemuende, Germany on the Balti... More
Hermes A-1 Test Rockets. NASA public domain image colelction.
Full Description: The first Hermes A-1 test rocket was fired at White Sand Proving Ground (WSPG). Hermes was a modified V-2 German rocket, utilizing the German aerodynamic configuration; however, internally it ... More
Wernher von Braun, America Space Program
Dr. von Braun on the telephone prior to the launch of the Pioneer IV, March 1, 1959.
Early Rockets - V-2 rocket emerges from its camouflaged shelter
In this undated file photo, probably from World War II, a V-2 rocket emerges from its camouflaged shelter. The team of German engineers and scientists who developed the V-2 came to the United States after World... More
Early Rockets: German technicians wire vehicles for mobile V-2 batteri...
In this photograph from the fall of 1943, German technicians wire vehicles for mobile V-2 batteries in an abandoned railroad turnel in the Rhineland. The team of German engineers and scientists who developed th... More
Wernher von Braun explains a detail from a Saturn IB mockup
Marshall Space Flight Center Director Dr. Wernher von Braun explains a detail from a Saturn IB mockup and engine to President John F. Kennedy, Vice President Lyndon Johnson and other guests, September 11, 1962.
Early Rockets - Aggregate-4 (A-4) illustrates the dimensions and inter...
This German cutaway drawing of the Aggregate-4 (A-4) illustrates the dimensions and internal workings of the rocket. Later renamed the V-2, the rocket was developed by Dr. Wernher von Braun and the German Rocke... More
Early Rockets: German technicians stack the various stages of the V-2 ...
German technicians stack the various stages of the V-2 rocket in this undated photograph. The team of German engineers and scientists who developed the V-2 came to the United States at the end of World War II a... More
Early Rockets: V-2 rocket takes flight at White Sands, New Mexico, in ...
A V-2 rocket takes flight at White Sands, New Mexico, in 1946. The German engineers and scientists who developed the V-2 came to the United States at the end of World War II and continued rocket testing under t... More
Wernher von Braun, America Space Program
Dr. Wernher von Braun (center), then Chief of the Guided Missile Development Division at Redstone Arsenal, Alabama, discusses a "bottle suit" model with Dr. Heinz Haber (left), an expert on aviation medicine, a... More
Wernher von Braun standing before a display of Army missiles celebrati...
In this photo, Director of the US Army Ballistic Missile Agency (ABMA) Development Operations Division, Dr. Wernher von Braun, is standing before a display of Army missiles celebrating ABMA's Fourth Open House.... More
Wernher von Braun with the front page of the Huntsville Times arnounci...
Dr. von Braun is presented with the front page of the Huntsville Times arnouncing the launch of Explorer I, the first U.S. Earth satellite, which was boosted by the Jupiter-C launch vehicle developed by Army Ba... More
Wernher von Braun, America Space Program
Marshall Center Director Dr. Wernher Von Braun is pictured with Walt Disney during a visit to the Marshall Space Flight Center in 1954. In the 1950s, Dr. Von Braun while working in California on the Saturn proj... More
Wernher von Braun in Huntsville, AL
This snapshot, dated November 1957, shows Dr. von Braun in downtown Huntsville, Alabama.
Wernher von Braun, America Space Program
Jet Propulsion Laboratory Director Dr. James Pickering, Dr. James van Allen of the State University of Iowa, and Army Ballistic missionile Agency Technical Director Dr. Wernher von Braun triumphantly display a ... More
Wernher von Braun during his appearance before the Senate Committee on...
Dr. von Braun, Director of the Marshall Space Flight Center, spoke of the progress in the Saturn Program during his appearance before the Senate Committee on Aeronautical and Space Sciences. He was accompanied ... More
A black and white photo of a rocket on display. Poland carpathian scar...
A black and white photo of a missile / A black and white photo of a missile / Public domain space exploration photo.
Wernher von Braun. Herman Oberth's Kegelduese liquid rocket engine bei...
Dr. von Braun was among a famous group of rocket experimenters in Germany in the 1930s. This photograph is believed to be made on the occasion of Herman Oberth's Kegelduese liquid rocket engine being certified ... More
Early Rockets A-4 (Aggregate-4). Later renamed the V-2 (Vengeance Wea...
This drawing illustrates the vital dimensions of the A-4 (Aggregate-4). Later renamed the V-2 (Vengeance Weapon-2), the rocket was developed by Dr. Wernher von Braun and the German rocket team at Peenemuende, G... More
Wernher von Braun at his desk with moon lander in background
Photo of Marshall Space Flight Center (MSFC) Director Dr. Wernher von Braun at his desk with moon lander in background and rocket models on his desk. Dr. von Braun served as Marshall's first director from 1960 ... More
Wernher von Braun viewing a parade with Major General John Barclay
This photograph was taken about 1960 and shows Dr. von Braun viewing a parade with Major General John Barclay.
Wernher von Braun talks with KSC's Rocco Petrone
In this photograph at Kennedy Space Center (KSC) Complex 37 Control Center, Marshall Space Flight Center (MSFC) Director Wernher von Braun (right) talks with KSC's Rocco Petrone while awaiting the launch of SA-... More
Wernher von Braun in the Launch Control Center of the Launch Complex
This image depicts the tension in the Launch Control Center of the Launch Complex 37 at Cape Canaveral, Florida, during the SA-8 on May 25, 1965. Pointing, center is Dr. Kurt Debus, Director, Launch Operations ... More
Bumper V-2 Launch, NASA history collection
(July 24, 1950) A new chapter in space flight began in July 1950 with the launch of the first rocket from Cape Canaveral, Florida: the Bumper 8. Shown above, Bumper 8 was an ambitious two-stage rocket program t... More