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Trinity College of Music Alumni

Portraits of former students and staff of Trinity College of Music (now Trinity Laban Faculty of Music)Created by: PICRYL - Public Domain Media Search EngineDated: 2016
Portraits of former students and staff of Trinity College of Music (now Trinity Laban Faculty of Music)
32 Media in collectionpage 1 of 1
W. H. Rawlinson - A black and white photo of a man writing

W. H. Rawlinson - A black and white photo of a man writing

Caption: 'W. H. Rawlinson, who joined the staff in 1921, is our senior staff member both in age and length of service. He organises the details of the UK examinations and keeps all records of diploma candidates... More

Granville Bantock with Eugene Goossens and one other

Granville Bantock with Eugene Goossens and one other

Maker: unknown.Date: 1935.Catalogue ref: TCM 12/5/5.Description: Written on reverse: 'Taken in USA Cincinnati 1935, Festival Performance of Atalanta in Calydon conducted by Eugene Goosens [sic]'

H. F. Saunders - A black and white photo of a man looking at a map

H. F. Saunders - A black and white photo of a man looking at a map

Caption: 'H. F. Saunders, here seen pondering a map of the West Indies, is reponsible for arranging many details of the itineraries of the overseas examination tour. He joined the staff in 1929'..Source: from '... More

Granville Bantock - A black and white photo of a man sitting at a desk

Granville Bantock - A black and white photo of a man sitting at a desk

Maker: [unknown].Date: [1933].Catalogue ref: TCM 14/1/8.Description: Granville Bantock (1868-1946), composer. Examiner and board member, Trinity College of Music.

William Lovelock in uniform during World War I

William Lovelock in uniform during World War I

Maker: [unknown].Date: 1916.Catalogue ref: William Lovelock Collection.Description: Photograph of William Lovelock (1899-1986), English composer, organist, and writer on music. Studied organ at Trinity College ... More

John Fry - A black and white photo of a man in a suit

John Fry - A black and white photo of a man in a suit

Maker: [unknown].Date: [1933].Catalogue ref: TCM 14/1/8.Description: John Fry, conductor of Trinity College of Music orchestra.

Wilfrid Greenhouse Allt

Wilfrid Greenhouse Allt

Maker: [unknown].Date: [191-?].Catalogue ref: TCM 12/6/3.Description: Wilfrid Greenhouse Allt (1889-1969), principal of Trinity College of Music 1944-1965

Cyril Cork - A black and white photo of a man in a suit

Cyril Cork - A black and white photo of a man in a suit

Caption: 'Cyril Cork, Director of Studies, has been associated with Trinity since his school days when he came to the College as a Junior Exhibitioner. He was appointed to the teaching staff in 1948, and was Se... More

G. W. Farmer - A black and white photo of a man sitting at a desk writing

G. W. Farmer - A black and white photo of a man sitting at a desk writ...

Caption: 'G. W. Farmer, the Registrar, organises the students' timetables and is involved in many of the problems connected with the Teaching Department. He had been with the College since 1926'..Source: from '... More

William Lovelock at piano

William Lovelock at piano

Maker: [unknown].Date: [1920s-1930s].Catalogue ref: William Lovelock Collection.Description: Photograph of William Lovelock (1899-1986), English composer, organist, and writer on music. Studied organ at Trinity... More

Granville Bantock with Eugene Goossens

Granville Bantock with Eugene Goossens

Maker: unknown.Date: 1935.Catalogue ref: TCM 12/5/5.Description: Written on reverse: 'Taken in USA Cincinnati 1935, Festival Performance of Atalanta in Calydon conducted by Eugene Goosens [sic]'

JP - Public domain dedication image

JP - Public domain dedication image

Maker: [unknown].Date: [1933].Catalogue ref: TCM 14/1/8

Stanley Roper - A black and white photo of a man sitting at a desk

Stanley Roper - A black and white photo of a man sitting at a desk

Maker: [unknown].Date: [1933].Catalogue ref: TCM 14/1/8.Description: Stanley Roper (1878-1953), organist and composer, principal of Trinity College of Music 1929-1944.

Louis Peskai - A black and white photo of a man in a suit

Louis Peskai - A black and white photo of a man in a suit

Maker: [unknown].Date: [1933].Catalogue ref: TCM 14/1/8

Christopher Wood - Public domain portrait photograph

Christopher Wood - Public domain portrait photograph

Maker: [unknown].Date: [ca.1930?].Catalogue ref: Christopher Wood Collection.Description: Christopher Wood (1911-1990), harpischordist. Professor at Trinity College of Music, 1947-1967.

William Lovelock at piano

William Lovelock at piano

Maker: [unknown].Date: [1930s].Catalogue ref: William Lovelock Collection.Description: Photograph of William Lovelock (1899-1986), English composer, organist, and writer on music. Studied organ at Trinity Colle... More

Ludwig Lebell - Public domain dedication image

Ludwig Lebell - Public domain dedication image

Maker: [unknown].Date: [1933].Catalogue ref: TCM 14/1/8.Description: Ludwig Lebell (c.1873-1954), cellist and composer. Professor of cello and chamber music at Trinity College of Music, 1910-1953. Read more abo... More

C. N. Rodwell - A black and white photo of a man sitting at a desk

C. N. Rodwell - A black and white photo of a man sitting at a desk

Maker: [unknown].Date: [193-?].Catalogue ref: TCM 10/1.Description: C. N. Rodwell, secretary to Trinity College of Music ca.1918-1938

William Lovelock in Colombo

William Lovelock in Colombo

Maker: [unknown].Date: 1916.Catalogue ref: William Lovelock Collection.Description: Photograph of William Lovelock (1899-1986), English composer, organist, and writer on music. Studied organ at Trinity College ... More

John Warriner - A black and white photo of a man sitting in a chair

John Warriner - A black and white photo of a man sitting in a chair

Maker: [unknown].Date: [1933].Catalogue ref: TCM 14/1/8.Description: John Warriner, professor, examiner and member of the board, Trinity College of Music 1900s-1930s. Chairman of the corporation 1930-34.

C. N. Rodwell - A black and white photo of a man sitting at a desk

C. N. Rodwell - A black and white photo of a man sitting at a desk

Maker: [unknown].Date: [193-?].Catalogue ref: TCM 10/1.Description: C. N. Rodwell, secretary to Trinity College of Music ca.1918-1938

Christopher Wood with cat

Christopher Wood with cat

Maker: [unknown].Date: [ca.1930?].Catalogue ref: Christopher Wood Collection.Description: Christopher Wood (1911-1990), harpischordist. Professor at Trinity College of Music, 1947-1967.

Granville Bantock with six others

Granville Bantock with six others

Maker: unknown.Date: [193-?].Catalogue ref: TCM 12/5/5

Wilfrid Greenhouse Allt

Wilfrid Greenhouse Allt

Maker: [unknown].Date: [191-?].Catalogue ref: TCM 12/6/3.Description: Wilfrid Greenhouse Allt (1889-1969), principal of Trinity College of Music 1944-1965

Wilfrid Greenhouse Allt

Wilfrid Greenhouse Allt

Maker: [unknown].Date: [191-?].Catalogue ref: TCM 12/6/3.Description: Wilfrid Greenhouse Allt (1889-1969), principal of Trinity College of Music 1944-1965

Trinity College of Music personnel, 1920

Trinity College of Music personnel, 1920

Maker: [unknown].Date: 1920.Catalogue ref: TCM 10/1.Description: 'TCM December 1920' on reverse. Back row: 5th from left C. N. Rodwell; front row: 4th from left G. A. Bambridge, 3rd from right Charles Pearce

Granville Bantock with Guila Bustabo

Granville Bantock with Guila Bustabo

Maker: unknown.Date: 1938.Catalogue ref: TCM 12/5/5.Description: Signed by Guila Bustabo

Charlton Keith - A black and white photo of a man playing a piano

Charlton Keith - A black and white photo of a man playing a piano

Maker: [unknown].Date: [1933].Catalogue ref: TCM 14/1/8

Charles Kennedy Scott Archive

Charles Kennedy Scott Archive

Maker: [unknown].Date: [1930s?].Catalogue ref: CKS 3/1.Description: Possibly a photograph of Charles Kennedy Scott with Kathleen Ewart

Vivian Joseph - A man in a tuxedo playing a cello

Vivian Joseph - A man in a tuxedo playing a cello

Maker: [unknown].Date: 1934?.Catalogue ref: TCM 12/7/1.Description: Photograph of Vivian Joseph (1916-2005) playing cello, inscribed "With all my love, Vivian, 1934"

William Lovelock outside TCM

William Lovelock outside TCM

Maker: [unknown].Date: [1930s].Catalogue ref: William Lovelock Collection.Description: Photograph of William Lovelock (1899-1986), English composer, organist, and writer on music. Studied organ at Trinity Colle... More

Icon Ernest Heberden, public domain photograph

Icon Ernest Heberden, public domain photograph

Caption: 'Ernest Heberden, Secretary of the College since September 1964, is a Graduate of Keble College, Oxford, where he read classics. He has spent 15 years in publishing and is specially concerned with the ... More

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