Bergen - no-nb digifoto 20151021 00231 NB MIT FNR 10145 A
Norsk bokmål: Bildet er hentet fra Nasjonalbibliotekets bildesamling. Anmerkninger til bildet var: Fotograf : ukjent
Lbs fragm 82, 0001r - 0 - Public domain dedication image
Kringlublaðið [the Kringla leaf] is a vellum manuscript leaf, dated c. 1260, the only one to survive from a manuscript called Kringla that was destroyed in the 1728 great fire of Copenhagen. Kringla was well k... More
Snorre Sturluson-Christian Krohg
Snorre Sturluson illustration by Christian Krogh from Heimskringla, 1899 edition
Snorre-sturlasson - Public domain portrait engraving
Portrett av Snorre Sturlasson
Snorri Sturluson C. Krohg - Public domain illustration drawing
Christian Krohg: Illustration for die Heimskringla 1899-Edition. Public domain photograph of 19th-century drawing, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Lbs fragm 82, 0001v - 1 - Public domain dedication image
Kringlublaðið [the Kringla leaf] is a vellum manuscript leaf, dated c. 1260, the only one to survive from a manuscript called Kringla that was destroyed in the 1728 great fire of Copenhagen. Kringla was well k... More
Snorre - Public domain portrait drawing
Portrait of Snorre Sturluson
Snorre Sturlasson, Norges Kongesagaer, Folkeudgave-Pragtudgave (300327...
Beskrivelse / Description: Plakat / Poster (Reklameplakater for bøker/book posters) Kreditering / Credit: Gerhard Munthe (1849-1929) [Kilde: J. Veiteberg, doktoravhandling, 2000]. Avbildet på plakaten: «Dronnin... More