First St. From Mission, Southern Methodist University collection
Title: First St. From Mission..Alternative Title: First Street From Mission..Creator: Stoddard [attrib.]..Date: 1906..Part Of: San Francisco earthquake..Physical Description: 1 photographic print: gelatin silve... More
Photograph of a Camp in Golden Gate Park Under Military Control After ...
Original Caption: Photograph of a Camp in Golden Gate Park Under Military Control After the 1906 San Francisco Earthquake, 1906..Created By: U.S. Senate. Committee on Printing. (12/15/1841 - 1946)..From: Record... More
At Stanford Uni'ty. Palo Alto. - Public domain dedication image
Title: At Stanford Uni'ty. Palo Alto...Alternative Title: At Stanford University, Palo Alto..Creator: Stoddard [attrib.]..Date: 1906..Part Of: San Francisco earthquake..Physical Description: 1 photographic prin... More
[Cal. - San Francisco - Earthquake & Fire, 1906: Kearney St. from Tele...
This record contains unverified, old data from caption card. Caption card tracings: Shelf. California.
Ruins of City Hall, [1906 earthquake, San Francisco, Calif.]
Public domain image of a large historic building, city hall, urban architecture, free to use, no copyright restrictions - Picryl description
Photograph of a Fire Partially Under Control After the 1906 San Franci...
Original Caption: No. 64. Fire partially under control - 3rd day..Created By: U.S. Senate. Committee on Printing. (12/15/1841 - 1946)..From: Record Group/Collection: 46..From: Committee Papers of the Senate Co... More
Youth's Directory 19th St., Southern Methodist University collection
Title: Youth's Directory 19th St...Alternative Title: Youth's Directory, 19th Street..Creator: Stoddard [attrib.]..Date: 1906..Part Of: San Francisco earthquake..Physical Description: 1 photographic print: gela... More
18th St. From Howard., Southern Methodist University collection
Title: 18th St. From Howard...Alternative Title: 18th Street From Howard..Creator: Stoddard [attrib.]..Date: 1906..Part Of: San Francisco earthquake..Physical Description: 1 photographic print: gelatin silver; ... More
First Unitarian Church, damaged by earthquake, San Francisco, Cal.
Picryl description: Public domain photo of a church building, free to use, no copyright restrictions image.
A Block in Redwood City. - Public domain dedication image
Title: A Block in Redwood City...Creator: Stoddard [attrib.]..Date: 1906..Part Of: San Francisco earthquake..Physical Description: 1 photographic print: gelatin silver; 15 x 20 cm...File: ag1982_0186sx_90_block... More
Howard St. Bet. 17 and 18th - Public domain dedication image
Title: Howard St. Bet. 17 and 18th..Alternative Title: Howard Street Between 17th and 18th..Creator: Stoddard [attrib.]..Date: 1906..Part Of: San Francisco earthquake..Physical Description: 1 photographic print... More
Section of long line of refugees awaiting distribution of meat - East ...
H78600 U.S. Copyright Office Stereo copyrighted by C.L. Wasson. Caption card tracings: Photog. Index; Ca. SF Earthquake; Shelf.
The dynamite crew destroying unsafe walls left standing by the earthqu...
Picryl description: Public domain image of a damaged, burned, or destroyed building, natural disaster, war destruction, ruins, 19th-century architecture, free to use, no copyright restrictions.
Sacramento St., Southern Methodist University collection
Title: Sacramento St...Alternative Title: Sacramento Street..Creator: Stoddard [attrib.]..Date: 1906..Part Of: San Francisco earthquake..Physical Description: 1 photographic print: gelatin silver; 15 x 20 cm...... More
Jefferson Square., Southern Methodist University collection
Title: Jefferson Square...Creator: Stoddard [attrib.]..Date: 1906..Part Of: San Francisco earthquake..Physical Description: 1 photographic print: gelatin silver; 15 x 20 cm...File: ag1982_0186sx_78_jeffersonsqu... More
Pioneer Bl'd'g. 4th St., Southern Methodist University collection
Title: Pioneer Bl'd'g. 4th St...Alternative Title: Pioneer Building, 4th Street..Creator: Stoddard [attrib.]..Date: 1906..Part Of: San Francisco earthquake..Physical Description: 1 photographic print: gelatin s... More
After the earthquake - frame houses tumbled from their foundations, Sa...
Stereo shows two Victorian houses that have fallen off of their foundations after the San Francisco earthquake in 1906. H97373 U.S. Copyright Office. No. 8774. Copyright July 29, 1907 by H.C. White Co. Exhibit... More
After the earthquake - frame houses tumbled from their foundations, Sa...
Stereo shows two Victorian houses that have fallen off of their foundations after the San Francisco earthquake in 1906. H97373 U.S. Copyright Office. No. 8774. Copyright July 29, 1907 by H.C. White Co. Exhibit... More
Destruction of San Francisco by earthquake & fire
This record contains unverified data from PGA shelflist card. Associated name on shelflist card: Kurz & Allison.
California St. From Kearney., Southern Methodist University collection
Title: California St. From Kearney...Alternative Title: California Street From Kearney..Creator: Stoddard [attrib.]..Date: 1906..Part Of: San Francisco earthquake..Physical Description: 1 photographic print: ge... More
High School Redwood City., Southern Methodist University collection
Title: High School Redwood City...Alternative Title: High School, Redwood City..Creator: Stoddard [attrib.]..Date: 1906..Part Of: San Francisco earthquake..Physical Description: 1 photographic print: gelatin si... More
Dupont St. Chinatown., Southern Methodist University collection
Title: Dupont St. Chinatown...Alternative Title: Dupont Street Chinatown..Creator: Stoddard [attrib.]..Date: 1906..Part Of: San Francisco earthquake..Physical Description: 1 photographic print: gelatin silver; ... More
Observatory, G.G. Park, S.F., Southern Methodist University collection
Title: Observatory, G.G. Park, S.F...Alternative Title: Observatory, Golden Gate Park, San Francisco ..Creator: Stoddard ..Date: 1906..Part Of: San Francisco earthquake..Physical Description: 1 photographi... More
Ruin At Palo Alto., Southern Methodist University collection
Title: Ruin At Palo Alto...Creator: Stoddard [attrib.]..Date: 1906..Part Of: San Francisco earthquake..Physical Description: 1 photographic print: gelatin silver; 15 x 20 cm...File: ag1982_0186sx_96_ruin_sm_opt... More
Photograph of St. Francis Hotel After the 1906 San Francisco Earthquak...
Original Caption: Photograph of St. Francis Hotel Showing the Clean Sweep of Fire in the Business Section of All Except Class A Steel Frame Buildings After the 1906 San Francisco Earthquake, 1906..Created By: U... More
Ruins of San Francisco after earthquake and fire, April 18 - 21, 1906,...
Copyright deposit; Lester C. Guernsey; 1906. Landmarks labeled on image. Exhibited in: American treasures of the Library of Congress, 2004.
Ruins of San Francisco after earthquake and fire, April 18 - 21, 1906,...
Copyright deposit; Lester C. Guernsey; 1906. Landmarks labeled on image. Exhibited in: American treasures of the Library of Congress, 2004.
Out Door Cooking, Fell St. - Public domain dedication image
Title: Out Door Cooking, Fell St...Alternative Title: Outdoor Cooking Fell Street..Creator: Stoddard [attrib.]..Date: 1906..Part Of: San Francisco earthquake..Physical Description: 1 photographic print: gelatin... More
Effect of the earthquake on dwelling houses, San Francisco, Calif.
Photograph by the Detroit Publishing Co. No. 9348; no orig. negatives. Detroit Publishing Company Photograph Collection (Library of Congress). This record contains unverified, old data from caption card. Captio... More
Photograph of the Ruined Tower of the City Hall Damaged by the 1906 Sa...
Original Caption: No. 6. View of the ruined tower of the City Hall. Damage due to earthquake alone..Created By: U.S. Senate. Committee on Printing. (12/15/1841 - 1946)..From: Record Group/Collection: 46..From:... More
Mason From Market St., Southern Methodist University collection
Title: Mason From Market St...Alternative Title: Mason From Market Street..Creator: Stoddard [attrib.]..Date: 1906..Part Of: San Francisco earthquake..Physical Description: 1 photographic print: gelatin silver;... More
Union Street Near Pierce., Southern Methodist University collection
Title: Union Street Near Pierce...Alternative Title: Outdoor Cooking Fell Street..Creator: Stoddard [attrib.]..Date: 1906..Part Of: San Francisco earthquake..Physical Description: 1 photographic print: gelatin ... More
[Crowd on Grant Ave., San Francisco, California, watching building bur...
Copyright by Pillsbury Picture Co. No. 8. Public domain photograph - historical image of California, United States, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
[View of building after earthquake and fire, San Francisco, California...
Six men in foreground face the damaged 7-story building. Copyright by Casey & Clancy, San Francisco, Cal. No. 1.
Foot of Market Street, showing earthquake upheaval, San Francisco, Cal...
Picryl description: Public domain image of San Francisco earthquake and Great Fire, 1906, free to use, no copyright restrictions image.
[Market Street and Turk Street after the earthquake and fire, San Fran...
Picryl description: Public domain image of a damaged, burned, or destroyed building, natural disaster, war destruction, ruins, 19th-century architecture, free to use, no copyright restrictions.
Panorama photograph from Pine and Powell streets, San Francisco, taken...
Original Caption: Panorama photograph from Pine and Powell streets, San Francisco, taken after the earthquake, ca. 1905..Created By: U.S. Senate. Committee on Printing. (12/15/1841 - 1946)..From: Record Group/C... More
Golden Gate Ave, Near Hyde St. - Public domain dedication image
Title: Golden Gate Ave, Near Hyde St...Alternative Title: Golden Gate Avenue, Near Hyde Street..Creator: Stoddard [attrib.]..Date: 1906..Part Of: San Francisco earthquake..Physical Description: 1 photographic p... More
Orpheum Theater, Southern Methodist University collection
Title: Orpheum Theater..Creator: Stoddard [attrib.]..Date: 1906..Part Of: San Francisco earthquake..Physical Description: 1 photographic print: gelatin silver; 15 x 20 cm...File: ag1982_0186sx_64_orpheum_sm_opt... More
Arnold Genthe - Ruins after San Francisco earthquake, 1906 / Genthe.
Exhibited: American Treasures of the Library of Congress. Public domain photograph - San Francisco earthquake and fire, ruins, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
U.S. Mint, 5th and Mission St's.
Title: U.S. Mint, 5th and Mission St's...Alternative Title: U.S. Mint, 5th and Mission Streets..Creator: Stoddard [attrib.]..Date: 1906..Part Of: San Francisco earthquake..Physical Description: 1 photographic p... More
Tower of City Hall, [1906 earthquake, San Francisco, Calif.]
Public domain image of a large historic building, city hall, urban architecture, free to use, no copyright restrictions - Picryl description
End view of the magnificent City Hall, showing wreck caused by the fir...
Artist seated in rubble, painting scene. Stereo copyrighted by R.E. Steele. This record contains unverified, old data from caption card. Caption card tracings: Photog. Index; Artists at work; Ca. SF Earthquake; Shelf.
Ruins of San Francisco after earthquake and fire, April 18 - 21, 1906,...
Copyright deposit; Lester C. Guernsey; 1906. Landmarks labeled on image. Exhibited in: American treasures of the Library of Congress, 2004.
Bernhardt, Sarah, in carriage in San Francisco after the earthquake an...
Picryl description: Public domain image of a damaged, burned, or destroyed building, natural disaster, war destruction, ruins, 19th-century architecture, free to use, no copyright restrictions.
Market St. From Ferry., Southern Methodist University collection
Title: Market St. From Ferry...Alternative Title: Market Street From Ferry..Creator: Stoddard [attrib.]..Date: 1906..Part Of: San Francisco earthquake..Physical Description: 1 photographic print: gelatin silver... More
Ruins of earthquake and fire, San Francisco, Calif.
Stockton St., Union Square, Post St., and St. Francis. Copyright by Pillsbury Picture Co., no. 55. This record contains unverified, old data from caption card. Caption card tracings: Ca. San Francisco Earthquake; Shelf.
Jefferson Square., Southern Methodist University collection
Title: Jefferson Square...Creator: Stoddard [attrib.]..Date: 1906..Part Of: San Francisco earthquake..Physical Description: 1 photographic print: gelatin silver; 15 x 20 cm...File: ag1982_0186sx_77_jeffersonsqu... More
Cooking food in rude street ovens - all chimneys being shattered by th...
Photograph shows three men and two women. Stereo copyrighted by C.L. Wasson; International Stereograph Co. No. 20639. Caption card tracings: Cooking; Photog. I.; Ca. S.F. Earthquake; Refugees; Shelf.
Observatory, G.G. Park, S.F., Southern Methodist University collection
Title: Observatory, G.G. Park, S.F...Alternative Title: Observatory, Golden Gate Park, San Francisco ..Creator: Stoddard ..Date: 1906..Part Of: San Francisco earthquake..Physical Description: 1 photographi... More
Observatory G.G. Park., Southern Methodist University collection
Title: Observatory G.G. Park...Alternative Title: Observatory, Golden Gate Park . .Creator: Stoddard ..Date: 1906..Part Of: San Francisco earthquake..Physical Description: 1 photographic print: gelatin sil... More
[Calif. - San Francisco - Earthquake & fire, 1906 "Ruins on Kearney St...
Photo copyrighted by Pillsbury Picture Co. This record contains unverified, old data from caption card. Caption card tracings: Shelf.
Photograph of Union Street Car Line After the 1906 San Francisco Earth...
Original Caption: No. 22. Union Street car line - showing displacement of made ground...Created By: U.S. Senate. Committee on Printing. (12/15/1841 - 1946)..From: Record Group/Collection: 46..From: Committee P... More
Howard Cor. Spear, Southern Methodist University collection
Title: Howard Cor. Spear..Alternative Title: Howard Corner At Spear..Creator: Stoddard [attrib.]..Date: 1906..Part Of: San Francisco earthquake..Physical Description: 1 photographic print: gelatin silver; 15 x ... More
O'Farrell St. From Stockton., Southern Methodist University collection
Title: O'Farrell St. From Stockton...Alternative Title: O'Farrell Street From Stockton..Creator: Stoddard [attrib.]..Date: 1906..Part Of: San Francisco earthquake..Physical Description: 1 photographic print: ge... More
Howard St. Bet. 17th and 18th. - Public domain dedication image
Title: Howard St. Bet. 17th and 18th...Alternative Title: Howard Street Between 17th and 18th..Creator: Stoddard [attrib.]..Date: 1906..Part Of: San Francisco earthquake..Physical Description: 1 photographic pr... More
Valencia St. Near 19th., Southern Methodist University collection
Title: Valencia St. Near 19th. ..Alternative Title: Valencia Street Near 19th . .Creator: Stoddard [attrib.]..Date: 1906..Part Of: San Francisco earthquake..Physical Description: 1 photographic print: ... More
Howard St. Near 18th., Southern Methodist University collection
Title: Howard St. Near 18th...Alternative Title: Howard Street Near 18th..Creator: Stoddard [attrib.]..Date: 1906..Part Of: San Francisco earthquake..Physical Description: 1 photographic print: gelatin silver; ... More
Band Stand G.G. Park., Southern Methodist University collection
Title: Band Stand G.G. Park...Alternative Title: Band Stand Golden Gate Park . .Creator: Stoddard [attrib.]..Date: 1906..Part Of: San Francisco earthquake..Physical Description: 1 photographic print: gelati... More
A crude post office - reorganizing the mail service after the earthqua...
Stereo shows a young girl and two men standing in front of the tent serving as the post office after the San Francisco earthquake in 1906. H78375 U.S. Copyright Office. No. 8237. Exhibited: Documenting Disaste... More
Foot of 9th St., Southern Methodist University collection
Title: Foot of 9th St...Alternative Title: Foot of 9th Street..Creator: Stoddard [attrib.]..Date: 1906..Part Of: San Francisco earthquake..Physical Description: 1 photographic print: gelatin silver; 15 x 20 cm.... More
Boy's Gymnasium Stanford Uni'ty Palo Alto.
Title: Boy's Gymnasium Stanford Uni'ty Palo Alto...Alternative Title: Boy's Gymnasium, Stanford University, Palo Alto..Creator: Stoddard [attrib.]..Date: 1906..Part Of: San Francisco earthquake..Physical Descri... More
Cor. Mission and Steuart., Southern Methodist University collection
Title: Cor. Mission and Steuart...Alternative Title: Corner of Mission and Steuart..Creator: Stoddard [attrib.]..Date: 1906..Part Of: San Francisco earthquake..Physical Description: 1 photographic print: gelati... More
[Spectators sitting on hillside watching fires consume the city after ...
Picryl description: Public domain image of San Francisco earthquake and Great Fire, free to use, no copyright restrictions image.
Bernhardt, Sarah, in carriage in San Francisco after the earthquake an...
A black and white photo of a woman in a hat. Public domain portrait photograph, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Valencia St., Southern Methodist University collection
Title: Valencia St...Alternative Title: Valencia Street . .Creator: Stoddard [attrib.]..Date: 1906..Part Of: San Francisco earthquake..Physical Description: 1 photographic print: gelatin silver; 15 x 20 c... More
Girl's High School Scott St. - Public domain dedication image
Title: Girl's High School Scott St...Alternative Title: Girl's High School, Scott Street..Creator: Stoddard [attrib.]..Date: 1906..Part Of: San Francisco earthquake..Physical Description: 1 photographic print: ... More
Photograph of the West Front of the New Chronicle Building Showing Dam...
Original Caption: Photograph of the West Front of the New Chronicle Building Showing Damage by the San Francisco Earthquake of 1906, 1906..Created By: U.S. Senate. Committee on Printing. (12/15/1841 - 1946)..Fr... More
Hall of Justice, Southern Methodist University collection
Title: Hall of Justice..Creator: Stoddard [attrib.]..Date: 1906..Part Of: San Francisco earthquake..Physical Description: 1 photographic print: gelatin silver; 15 x 20 cm...File: ag1982_0186sx_66_hallofjustice_... More
Stanford Unit'y Palo Alto., Southern Methodist University collection
Title: Stanford Unit'y Palo Alto...Alternative Title: Stanford University, Palo Alto..Creator: Stoddard [attrib.]..Date: 1906..Part Of: San Francisco earthquake..Physical Description: 1 photographic print: gela... More
[Man looking upward, San Francisco, after the earthquake and fire, 190...
Buildings and debris in background. H81673 U.S. Copyright Office. Public domain photograph of New York, stereoscopic card, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
[Two men cleaning street, horse-drawn wagon and damaged buildings in t...
Inscribed in lower right corner: 7. Published in: Viewpoints; a selection from the pictorial collections of the Library of Congress .... Washington : Library of Congress ..., 1975, no. 128.
Valencia St. Bet. 18 and 19th - Public domain dedication image
Title: Valencia St. Bet. 18 and 19th..Alternative Title: Valencia Street Between 18th and 19th . .Creator: Stoddard [attrib.]..Date: 1906..Part Of: San Francisco earthquake..Physical Description: 1 photog... More
[View "from the hilltop site of the Fairmont Hotel" showing ruins afte...
H79075 U.S. Copyright Office. Panel 7 (from left) of 9 panel panoramic photograph. Photograph by Johannes B. Moller. Copyright Jun 7 1906 by Johannes B. Moller. Published in: Viewpoints; a selection from the p... More
[Spectators sitting on hillside watching fires consume the city after ...
Picryl description: Public domain image of San Francisco earthquake and Great Fire, free to use, no copyright restrictions image.
Valencia St. Bet 18th and 19th - Public domain dedication image
Title: Valencia St. Bet 18th and 19th ..Alternative Title: Valencia Street Between 18th and 19th . .Creator: Stoddard [attrib.]..Date: 1906..Part Of: San Francisco earthquake..Physical Description: 1 ph... More
Arnold Genthe - Ruins of earthquake and fire, San Francisco, Calif. 19...
Photo by Arnold Genthe, 1906 (no. 40) This record contains unverified, old data from caption card. Caption card tracings: Ca. S.F. Earthquake; Shelf.
''The Warren'' Post and Jones - Public domain dedication image
Title: ''The Warren'' Post and Jones..Alternative Title: ''The Warren'', Post and Jones..Creator: Stoddard [attrib.]..Date: 1906..Part Of: San Francisco earthquake..Physical Description: 1 photographic print: g... More
Court House Redwood City., Southern Methodist University collection
Title: Court House Redwood City...Alternative Title: Courthouse, Redwood City..Creator: Stoddard [attrib.]..Date: 1906..Part Of: San Francisco earthquake..Physical Description: 1 photographic print: gelatin sil... More
St. Francis Hotel, Union Square.
Title: St. Francis Hotel, Union Square...Alternative Title: Saint Francis Hotel, Union Square..Creator: Stoddard [attrib.]..Part Of: San Francisco earthquake..Physical Description: 1 photographic print: gelatin... More
Library, Stanford Unit'y. Palo Alto.
Title: Library, Stanford Unit'y. Palo Alto...Alternative Title: Library, Stanford University, Palo Alto..Creator: Stoddard [attrib.]..Date: 1906..Part Of: San Francisco earthquake..Physical Description: 1 photo... More
Bernhardt, Sarah, in carriage in San Francisco after the earthquake an...
A black and white photo of a woman in a horse drawn carriage. Public domain portrait photograph, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
United States Mint, surrounded by the ruins of earthquake and fire, Sa...
Stereo copyrighted by Underwood & Underwood. No. U-91119. This record contains unverified, old data from caption card. Caption card tracings: Mints; Photog. I.; California SF Earthquake; Earthquakes; Shelf.
[Panoramic view of the aftermath of the San Francisco earthquake and f...
No. 15. Copyright by Casey & Clancy, San Francisco, Cal. Public domain photograph of a city streets, cityscape, urban environment, buildings, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
Fun making by the earthquake refugees - a temporary home, San Francisc...
Stereo shows a group of people sitting outside of a decorated tent called the "House of Mirth" with signs indicating an available elevator and running water after the San Francisco earthquake in 1906. H77336 U.... More
Dynamiting The Examiner Bl'g., Southern Methodist University collectio...
Title: Dynamiting The Examiner Bl'g...Alternative Title: Dynamiting The Examiner Building..Creator: Stoddard [attrib.]..Date: 1906..Part Of: San Francisco earthquake..Physical Description: 1 photographic print:... More
Y.M.C.A. Bl'd'g. Mason St., Southern Methodist University collection
Title: Y.M.C.A. Bl'd'g. Mason St...Alternative Title: YMCA Building, Mason Street..Creator: Stoddard [attrib.]..Date: 1906..Part Of: San Francisco earthquake..Physical Description: 1 photographic print: gelatin... More
S.F. Stock Exchange., Southern Methodist University collection
Title: S.F. Stock Exchange...Alternative Title: San Francisco Stock Exchange..Creator: Stoddard [attrib.]..Date: 1906..Part Of: San Francisco earthquake..Physical Description: 1 photographic print: gelatin silv... More
Eddy St. Near Filmore, Southern Methodist University collection
Title: Eddy St. Near Filmore..Alternative Title: Eddy Street Near Filmore..Creator: Stoddard [attrib.]..Date: 1906..Part Of: San Francisco earthquake..Physical Description: 1 photographic print: gelatin silver;... More
Bernhardt, Sarah, in carriage in San Francisco after the earthquake an...
A black and white photo of a man and woman in a horse drawn carriage. Public domain portrait photograph, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
San Mateo., Southern Methodist University collection
Title: San Mateo...Creator: Stoddard [attrib.]..Date: 1906..Part Of: San Francisco earthquake..Physical Description: 1 photographic print: gelatin silver; 15 x 20 cm...File: ag1982_0186sx_87_sanmateo_sm_opt.jpg... More
House On Steiner St., Southern Methodist University collection
Title: House On Steiner St...Alternative Title: House On Steiner Street..Creator: Stoddard [attrib.]..Date: 1906..Part Of: San Francisco earthquake..Physical Description: 1 photographic print: gelatin silver; 1... More
San Francisco in flames - showing freaks of the earthquake in the fore...
Man with piece of torn-up street in foreground. Stereo copyrighted by Keystone View Co. No. 13351. This record contains unverified, old data from caption card. Caption card tracings: Ca. SF Earth; Photog. Index; Shelf.
[Palace Hotel on fire, San Francisco, California, during earthquake an...
Copyright by Pillsbure [i.e. Pillsbury] Picture Co. No. 10. Public domain photograph of a hotel building, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
[Two women amidst bricks and rubble after San Francisco earthquake and...
H78343 U.S. Copyright Office. Public domain photograph of stereoscopic card, free to use, no copyright restrictions image - Picryl description
U.S. Mint after the earthquake, San Francisco, Cal.
Picryl description: Public domain image of San Francisco earthquake and Great Fire, 1906, free to use, no copyright restrictions image.
California St. from Sansome St. before the earthquake, San Francisco, ...
Stereograph showing view of long and high San Francisco city streets and tall buildings. H78239 U.S. Copyright Office. Copyright 1906 by C. L. Wasson. On mount: Home Office and Works, Decatur, Illinois, U.S.A. ... More
Fun making by the earthquake refugees - a temporary home, San Francisc...
Stereo shows a group of people sitting outside of a decorated tent called the "House of Mirth" with signs indicating an available elevator and running water after the San Francisco earthquake in 1906. H77336 U.... More
Photograph of a Typical Bread Line in the Early Stages of Relief Distr...
Original Caption: Photograph of a Typical Bread Line in the Early Stages of Relief Distribution After the 1906 San Francisco Earthquake, 1906..Created By: U.S. Senate. Committee on Printing. (12/15/1841 - 1946)... More
Hanneman Hospital. Cal'a and Maple Sts.
Title: Hanneman Hospital. Cal'a and Maple Sts...Alternative Title: Hanneman Hospital, California and Maple Streets..Creator: Stoddard [attrib.]..Date: 1906..Part Of: San Francisco earthquake..Physical Descripti... More